Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/6 19:54

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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There's no legal requirement for any audit whatsoever. The $500/year in donations doesn't warrant it either. The members of the Board are legally not allowed to be paid for their work for the Foundation, the spending of monies is governed by the goals of the foundation as put in the statutes. It's that simple


Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 7:09

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11427

  • Since: 2004/4/23


Herko Coomans wrote:
There's no legal requirement for any audit whatsoever. The $500/year in donations doesn't warrant it either. The members of the Board are legally not allowed to be paid for their work for the Foundation, the spending of monies is governed by the goals of the foundation as put in the statutes. It's that simple


It's not only about donations, but also about the money generated from advertisement.

Herko, your attitude about this shocks me. You claim to be a chairman of the XOOPS foundation and you just don't feel any accountability for the reporting of the XOOPS financials. People here have to raise again and again the issue of reporting before you commit to publishing it. We went through this already once, and I see that things didn't change much.

Please show me any "serious and successful" open source project where people are as careless as you're. Look at Apache and how hey manage the money, and maybe you can learn something from it:


This is something that shows me that the Apache leaders CARE about the organization, and that they feel ACCOUNTABLE to the members on what they do with the money.

I wish, you would exhibit a similar attitude of accountability! Somehow I don't sense that in you, and that's a real shame!
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 9:22

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2005/8/15


Mamba wrote:

Herko, your attitude about this shocks me. You claim to be a chairman of the XOOPS foundation and you just don't feel any accountability for the reporting of the XOOPS financials. People here have to raise again and again the issue of reporting before you commit to publishing it. We went through this already once, and I see that things didn't change much.


Herko is his real name and his last name is well known because you can easily find it on this website.
He also announced/promised that the financials will be published soon.
It's not fair to start a riot before anything has been published.

What is the legal reason to have the financials checked by an external accounting company?
And who's gonna check the external accounting company?

Re: Show us the $$$....!

The foundation does not require to be audited by an external auditor by Dutch law.

I am looking forward to see the financial report too out of curiosity and as Herko said he expects to publish the report by the end of the month .

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 10:33

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

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Xoops is also working very hard to reorganise and to profile itself and their websites better towards the community:

Xoops Foundation: http://xoopsfoundation.org

Xoops Docs: http://xoopsdocs.net

Xoops AddOns: http://xoopsaddons.org

XoopsInfo: http://xoopsinfo.com

Xoops Development: http://dev.xoops.org

Xoops: https://xoops.org

A small amount of people is working hard on these websites behind the scenes. It might take a while before everything 'finished' so be a little patience.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 13:42

  • blueteen

  • Quite a regular

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Herko Coomans wrote:
At the end of this month everything regarding the Foundation will be published online, and from then on, with regular updates. This is a solid promise.


same song from tens of months...

pfff , same report as this one ?
topic : Xoops Foundation, just 1 year! So what?

on march 21th 2006, to this question :

- What is the annual finnancial situation? Is there any report?

you reply :

I am preparing one, but be patient. We still have to get news from the tax revenue service.

on april 05th 2006
It's on my list of things to finish, so be patient please.

on april 15th 2006
Bumping this regularly doesn't get it done any faster, it'll only serve to irritate me (making me wonder why I would hurry it up).

and many other answers as those which make me think that you are not a reliable person. (I will not write 'dishonest person').

I am however very patient, but I have limits...
largely exceeded here.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 14:49

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2004/3/15


The foundation does not require to be audited by an external auditor by Dutch law.

well, and ?
i know plenty of such organizations that ask external audits for transparency purposes toward their donators, especially non-governmental organization or associations.
Moreover, the main problem with this fondation is :
- it has non-donation revenues
- we learned that some were remunerated. We are in the right to know who else benefit from some fondation retributions
- we don't know either what are used its revenues for
- it has never been created after a democratic process,
- its goals are not so clear, and its activity neither.

That's not to flame, but it's time to clear things for the benefit of the overall project. For now, we suffer from amateurism. And i ask personaly for its dissolution. That's not the tool/toy that will help us to sort out the situation where the project is. The product should be strong enough by itself, not through legal toys.

marco, CPA, CISA
Do synergy or die.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 15:41

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11427

  • Since: 2004/4/23


blueteen wrote:

same song from tens of months...


on april 15th 2006
Bumping this regularly doesn't get it done any faster, it'll only serve to irritate me (making me wonder why I would hurry it up).

and many other answers as those which make me think that you are not a reliable person. (I will not write 'dishonest person').

I am however very patient, but I have limits...
largely exceeded here.

Yep, Herko, your credibility goes down the tubes. Are you still sure that you qualify to be the chairman of the Foundation?

Now, who has approved the


Website? Was the XOOPS Project Council involved, or was it your decision?
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/7 15:47

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

what a mess.
Again, it's not to flame, but i'm VERY surprised to see INBOX powered everywhere on this site. What are all links between the foundation and some members of the XOOPS community and members of the foundation?
what other contracts have been made upon members donations?
please inform us. It's definitely time to get transparency and some ethics in this project AND OPENSOURCE SPIRIT. There is none actually.
Do synergy or die.

Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/9/19 5:22

  • mrphilong

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 351

  • Since: 2006/7/14


Herko Coomans wrote:
At the end of this month everything regarding the Foundation will be published online, and from then on, with regular updates. This is a solid promise.


Since joined XOOPS I am became very patience


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