Re: I have a idea
  • 2006/7/28 7:49

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13

Thanks phppp, you are great!

Re: I have a idea
  • 2006/10/26 14:08

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

Can I have a wish?!
Yes; that is what I would have like if it was possible.

Registration and activation of new members.
Getting rid of in-active account.

When a new person register to become a member of any XOOPS system, ((one of the option according to how the webmaster has set his or her website)) an activation key is sent out to activate the new account .

Obviously on many occasion people register, but they never activate their account. It could be annoying if you are running a large site, with many inactive accounts.
You might want to get rid of these accounts one by one. In case you have a few members that is no big deal, - but with a large site with thousands of members!!
maybe a new solution could !! for the webmaster to set the number of days that a new account should be activated, ((set the number of days in the admin)) after the xyz number of days then the un-activated account is automatically deleted, -or one day before the never-activated account is deleted, an email reminder is sent to that particular email, -just in case that person still wish to activate the account.
If he fails, then the account is deleted from the system automatically.
that is just an idea ..!


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