I've come up with an alternate layout, but it's quite rough at the moment. It's mainly just the logical block placement.
Click on the thumbnail for the full size image

Ok, a little explaination behind the layout:
To facilitate familiarity for less experienced users, and to retain compatibility with the current block placement model, the layout employs the traditional 5 option block layout.
What I'm envisioning for the xoops.org sites is that the right column would be enabled/disabled depending on the site and depending on the content.
The only alteration this layout would need to be a viable "Default" theme is the addition of banners either above or below the content/center-column blocks.
This layout would work well as fixed-width or variable width.
The purpose behind the redundant navigation is to enhance ease of use. Simply put, there is no current way that I know of to do this dynamically through a the Admin backend. A minimal amount of editing of the theme would be required for end-users. Perhaps not the best solution, but much more user-friendly for browsing and enhanced SEO.
You'll notice a slight rearrangement of blocks. This is a maatter of preference and should be coded so that it is easy to change.
As you can tell by the size and position of the right blocks loop, this column could easily be disabled for a wider main content area.
Anyways, it's just a thought. If it sparks a thought in someone's mind, great! If not, oh well, let's come up with something better.

Best Regards,
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.