IMHO, effective management requires more than just an effective manager (singular). It requires an effective manager + good communication skills + a team that is willing to be managed.
For the most part, we have all of the above. We could certainly improve in some areas, but that is the case with all situations.
Personally, I believe Herko is a fine Project manager with very good communication skills. We have a very good team of Team Leaders who are progressing every day in their individual responsibilities as well as their communication skills with their teams and with each other.
Where I see the greatest room for improvement is communication with the community and the communities willingness to work with the Core Team.
There seems to be a lot of complaining going on, but very little action.
From the standpoint of a Team Leader, I find it hard to invest my time with someone when they complain, but offer no viable solutions. If they at least try to offer solutions, viable or not, I'm willing to go the extra mile to work with them.
From the standpoint of a community member, I'm willing to step up and offer suggestions and follow those suggestions up with action when called upon. That is what is asked of me, and it is a very small price to pay for all I've gained from XOOPS. BTW, that's also how I became a Team Leader.

There are some valid points being brought up in the community. I think that is great. There is always room for improvement in every situation. However, words without action are nothing more than hot air. Quite frankly, it's been like a furnace around here with all the hot air flying around.
From my experiences with the Core Team and this community, the best way to get things chaged is as follows...
* Politely bring up your case with validations that are based in fact.
* Formulate a proposal on how to bring about the desired change in a way that is mutually beneficial for all.
* Take action on the proposal when called upon, and continue to take action as needed.
Again, this is just my experience as a
member of this community. Please take it as such.
Best Regards,
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.