Re: The developer team for Mambo, has left the project ... earthquake @ Mambo

This is sad news.

Splitting up a project due to differences in where you want to go and how you want to go there is one thing. Splitting because of control and disregarding involvement of the community is a completely different thing.

I doubt what Miro will gain from this, but I'm sure that the developers will come out on top of this.

Best of luck to the ex-Mambo core developers goes out from everybody in the XOOPS Foundation, I'm sure.

(and let's not draw too many parallels to the XOOPS Foundation. The XOOPS Foundation is not with a commercial objective, its board members are part of the community and the objective is to improve developments throughout the community, not controlling the developments)
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: The developer team for Mambo, has left the project ... earthquake @ Mambo


What is the job scope of the marketing and communications team?

The main goal of the team is to spread the word of XOOPS and introduce XOOPS to the world.

What the team needs to have in order to come to accomplish this:

On a high level
-Define mission statement
-Define business domain
-Define market segmentation
-Define target market segments
-SWOT analysis
-Define strategy
-Communication plan

- Gather contact details for promotional activities, for example of Magazines, newspapers, radio stations.
- Creating promotional material which can be used as a reference for the media.
- Attend conferences to promote XOOPS (like we did on the PHP Spring conference in Amsterdam)
- Research on what XOOPS users and potential XOOPS users expect from the product.

The team started recently (from an openSource perspective ) and most of the work still needs to be done.

Best wishes,



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