Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/10/31 15:35

  • pemen

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 186

  • Since: 2002/7/8 7

- Admin interface object oriented with smarty template.(It's better to develop the admin interface when you develop a module)

- Multilingual features

- Workflow system. (Perhaps for XOOPS 2.5 or XOOPS 3.X !!!)
The best way is to port Galaxia. Galaxia is a open source activity-based Workflow engine based on
This Workflow system is already implement in the tikiwiki project and Xaraya.
Galaxia Tikiwiki Project
The Workflow system can be used for developpment like Notification system/comment.

- True CMS with versioning system like TYPO3 or EZPUBLISH CMS. I think XOOPS need a really CMS interface and functions.

- LDAP authentification.

- Share the user/groups database between different XOOPS Site. (On user database for different XOOPS site).

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/10/31 16:14

  • PureLuXus

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 116

  • Since: 2002/1/3 2

- modularisation of pm
- better blockadmin
-- i want bottom center blocks
-- different block setup for different groups (on e-xoops u can duplicate block)
-- differ module/index.php and module subsites i want to display the recent forumposts ONLY on forum INDEX
- userpoints
- a mod_rewrite class

able to display modules in blocks
display 1 news

i hope the trackball function is usable for all modules

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap


A way to display News Topics by Individual Categories
in Blocks - with automatic bullets to distinguish headlines. So on the Home Page you can have 4 Blocks
for 4 Separate Topic Categories. Top News, Top Reviews,

And maybe a single Top Line Block for the Headline of
the moment, where you can have a big photo with some
intro text or something.

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap

xgarb - the dynamic user profile will let an admin define their own user-profile specific fields to ask in either "Edit Account" or the registration process. The possibility also exists that a module could create a custom user field (something like the user points module perhaps??) that could be used to hold its info.

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap


Although not at the top of my personal wish list, I know a lot of other people have been requesting some sort of reviews/ratings module for awhile now.

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap

As module writer, I just wish for a better documentation

So I can look up variables, functions etc. and see, how they work (yes, the core classes are described, but not easy to search for functionality + not that easy to read how to use)

With documentation, I also mean examples for everything in xoops_version.php as well as some extended classes with more than just basic functionality etc.

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap (PSEUDO-CRON)
  • 2003/10/31 17:09

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19

Please tell us what your wishes are, and how you see them in the core. Herko

PSEUDO-CRON IN SYSTEM ADMIN: The only thing that's certain to happen quite regularly on a web page are page requests. This is where pseudo-cron comes into play: With every page request it checks if any cron jobs should have been run since the previous request. If there are, they are run and logged. pseudo-cron uses a syntax very much like the Unix cron's one. All job definitions are made in a text file on the server with a user-definable name (usually crontab.txt).

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/10/31 17:35

  • PureLuXus

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 116

  • Since: 2002/1/3 2

better and more precisely online block

better main menu with ability to add menus WITH submenus
ability to edit module submenus and deativate it without hacking of xoops_version.php

Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap

While I would love to see all these features in XOOPS some time, I'm concerned about what implementing all these features would do to the release date of 2.1. In the near term, I would be thrilled with 2.1 being a release with all modules smarty-enabled. (I know this is already underway, I don't need much else).

But, a XOOPS with all the features mentioned in this thread would be amazing!

One little feature that might be nice to have (we have most of these for the News module already). If these were in the core, then it could easily be used by module developers for any module:
Content Option Block:
Discuss . Print . Email. PDF . Save . Top 10

bottom of page

story tools block under photos


Re: XOOPS 2.1 Core development Roadmap
  • 2003/10/31 18:02

  • Big_Bro

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 52

  • Since: 2003/2/26

Malexandria hit the proverbial nail on the head. Without a doubt, more and more powerful content display blocks are the number one need in my book.

A content management system needs to have multitudes of methods for displaying the content that it manages, it can be perfect in managing content for a webmaster but if there are only basic ways to display that content, it fails to deliver it's promise. In my opinion slick management pages etc would be nice but I'd rather present the nice face to my users and have a crappy backend interface than vice versa.

A system of display that includes elements of the great work Draven has done with his gaining-mass site would be outstanding, such as the news topics category listings and side blocks that let you handpick news items for display. A block like I manually created in my newshax site would be great too, where we could list a certain number of stories of our choice by the headline and a fixed-size thumbnail image. I have a hand-coded version on my site at http://www.newshax.com, on top of the right column.

Anyway, my point is that admin interface improvements are certainly welcome but are a much lower priority than public interface improvements.


malexandria wrote:

A way to display News Topics by Individual Categories
in Blocks - with automatic bullets to distinguish headlines. So on the Home Page you can have 4 Blocks
for 4 Separate Topic Categories. Top News, Top Reviews,

And maybe a single Top Line Block for the Headline of
the moment, where you can have a big photo with some
intro text or something.


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