I have just finished testing it for you with my corporate Active Directory... It works by simply modifying configuration parameters of the LDAP module (ldap.php).
I suggest you first try to authenticate to your Active Directory with a standard LDAP GUI Browser. If you are working with Windows, you could use the free Softerra LDAP Browser (
http://www.softerra.com/products/ldapbrowser.php) or an OSS one like LDAP explorer (Linux and Windows,
http://ldaptool.sourceforge.net/). I tried both with my AD before writing these lines so I can tell you that it works.
Do not go further if you are not able to authenticate yourself and browse your AD with one of these tools.
Then try:
1. create a new ad.php file with the same content that the ldap.php
2. Modify parameters at the beginning of the module, based on the one you used with your LDAP GUI browser. Here are the ones I used
//AD directory parameters
//all should be in lowercase
var $uid_attr = "cn"; // The unique identifier attribute (=uid=login=username)
var $mail_attr = "mail";
var $name_attr = "cn";
var $surname_attr = "sn";
var $givenname_attr = "givenname";
var $location_attr = "l"; // The attribute containing the location of the user (town, country, etc.)
var $office_attr = "physicaldeliveryofficename";
var $sernum_attr= "samaccountname"; // A unique identifier that you could use to link to more precise user profile details in an other system (for example)
var $ldap_server = "S-NET1BRUDC01";
var $ldap_port = 389;
var $base_dn = "OU=Users,OU=DIGIT,OU=DGs,DC=net1,DC=cec,DC=eu,DC=int"; // The DN that will be prepend with the uid_attr to authenticate the user
3. Test...
Hope this will help !