Avatar Was Hacked
  • 2004/4/28 22:36

  • Mousey31

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2004/4/28

Just have question. I belong to a message board where certain people were banned. I logged onto my message board this morning only to find out that our site had been hacked into & my avatar had been changed to a VERY disgraceful, sexual oriented one.

I plan on prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law but wondered, how did this happen? I checked the "avatar location" to see where this new sexual avatar was located, and where it had come from but, the location of my original avatar had NOT been changed.

How did they manage to hack into it and change my avatar without changing the location to where I could see it?

Much help needed.....PLEASE!!!!

Any info you could give me will be EXTREMELY helpful!


Re: Avatar Was Hacked

Do you have admin rights given to anyone other than yourself?

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

First question: was that site XOOPS powered and running the core newbb forum? You want to give us the url if it is xoops?

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

I'm thinking it could be someone he gave admin rights to, that changed his avatar in his profile on him. You wouldn't need access to the server, just to his user profile.

But...I think he said that the avatar was pointing to the same file on his server that his old avatar was. Is that an uploaded avatar from XOOPS or one that you have pointed to a file you manually uploaded to your server?

Re: Avatar Was Hacked
  • 2004/4/28 22:48

  • Mousey31

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2004/4/28

I'm just a member of this board --- I'm not the owner, admin, or forum leader, etc.

But MY avatar was hacked. These women hate me & I guess they proved so I'M going to be the one who prosecutes them.

I'm sure our site has every firewall known to man so how on EARTH did they get past something like this to hack into my account????

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

If it is just you that got your avatar hacked, I'd look into the women having an accomplice that has access to the server. All they would have to do is get your avatar's image name and replace with another picture renaming it to be the same as your old one.

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

I can see that there is more to the story. But I go back to my first question: Was/Is that site an XOOPS powered site?

I ask this because I had an avatar/signature hack attempt this morning. He/she didn't get in and I'm hoping it is because of my config. But if the site wasn't XOOPS, I can't help and really not interested. But if it is XOOPS, I might have info and might be interested in helping to prevent other attacks.

edit-> the politics of what led up to the attack is of no relevence. Always assume that someone sooner or later will have a grudge.

Re: Avatar Was Hacked
  • 2004/4/28 22:59

  • Mousey31

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2004/4/28

This person whom I'm thinkig did it, DID have admin rights at one time but she was banned and her admin rights revoked.

Do you think even though this said "individual" was banned and her admin rights revoked, can't she just come back to our same site & use her old admin username & password and it will still work???

Re: Avatar Was Hacked

It depends on whether or not the current admins have a clue about their own site. But no, you can't come back and hack a site without some kind of rights.




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