How do I do it??
  • 2004/4/23 10:12

  • kiwiguy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 295

  • Since: 2004/4/19

Just A couple of questions

1/ How do I make a block for scrolling thumbnails, to show whats in my random pics?

2/ I cannot put pics in any other album but my test random setion I have a few other albums but they do not allow me to upload to them.

3/ How do I put a banner on the top of my pages right on top.Click here for look If you look there where it says kiwis world to the right of that and on this one on this one click herejust where it says "little slogan" I want to put something there how do I g about doing that???

Your help in this will be greatly appreciated


Re: How do I do it??
  • 2004/4/23 15:27

  • kiwiguy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 295

  • Since: 2004/4/19

hey can soebody answer this

Re: How do I do it??

What module are you using for your photo gallery?

To add another banner where it says little slogan, you would need to add the img code into your theme.html file. You need to look at that file and find where that spot is in it, should be showing above the logo image code and add in the code for the banner/image there. If you need help with knowing where to put it, just post a copy of your theme.html page here and someone could point out where it will go for you.

Re: How do I do it??
  • 2004/4/25 10:48

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

XCgallery I think?

Re: How do I do it??
  • 2004/4/25 12:04

  • kiwiguy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 295

  • Since: 2004/4/19

yes xcgallery i want to use but not installed been waiting 3 days for a answer can i get one please

Re: How do I do it??


CBlue wrote:
To add another banner where it says little slogan, you would need to add the img code into your theme.html file. You need to look at that file and find where that spot is in it, should be showing above the logo image code and add in the code for the banner/image there. If you need help with knowing where to put it, just post a copy of your theme.html page here and someone could point out where it will go for you.

Re: How do I do it??
  • 2004/4/25 12:49

  • kiwiguy

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 295

  • Since: 2004/4/19

Thanks mithrandir thats not the prob no longer i will write it again

I would like to install the xcgallery and make a scrolling thumbnail how do i go about doing it in a step by step manner you can email the steps to me on kiwiguy@theboogary.com if needed



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