Hi DonXoop and thanks for taking a look. If you are interested you can see the site here:
DJ73.comIf you need a login let me know.
I actually went through and setup all my family members with accounts manually, but like a squid I didnt keep a copy of the passwords, otherwsie I could go in as each user and set Notification options for each account manually or something.
I think it would be easier still though if there was some way to set it to default in the Notification options for all users to be notified of News posts.... I dont know. That way any new members (brave rellies from Ireland or Australia maybe!) will have it set to default when they sign up and they wont have to worry about setting it up as a preference.
Thanks JackJ for your suggestion. At this time I have the Notifications block set to the left hand side so it shows when logged in. I will try your idea of reducing the options to just the one, and see if that helps. But it get's back to the one thing I can't get them to do... log in! I think they think the International Online Evildoers and Hackers Society is watching them and will steal their identity or something... I dont know. (frusrating!)
I have access to phpmyadmin on my server, but I am waaaaaaay a newbie when it comes to mysql!
Any advice or suggestions are gratefully appreciated. I am not too confident with editing line items and I am not sure if phpmyadmin allows it?