Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/3/4 17:32

  • davmp

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2004/2/12

got it to work by permission: user (BTW: no instructions came with the updated version)

Also did a manual sql setup :
Table structure for table `bb_forum_group_access`
# hack for group access

CREATE TABLE bb_forum_group_access (
forum_id int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
group_id int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
can_post tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (forum_id,group_id)

Do I have to manually set up group permission? cause it is not allowing it the the admin private forums section (User works great!, Group does not)

Thanks in advance

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6

Great mod and I've been using it since it came out!

I'm now looking at the language hack since it will be good for my site in Canada.

There is a conflict I'm guessing with the functions.php file that is changed by both hacks. I'll look at them and see if I can combine both and make it live.

These are two modules that I'd love to have together.

thumbs up.

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6

An update... It seems that the language hack didn't change functions.php in newbb (or I don't see it). I put the newbb hack file back and it seems to work fine for both hacks.

so far so good.

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/3/4 19:41

  • regen_r8

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2002/5/23

(BTW: no instructions came with the updated version)

My apologies, the Install instructions should be in the hack.html file. I cannot get to my site from work, and only have the 2.0.5 hack here. If the hack.html file is not present in the 2.0.6, you can download the 2.0.5 version to get the instructions...

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/3/4 20:29

  • davmp

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2004/2/12

No problem, I finally figured what was wrong with the group access. I blindly forgot to add XOOPS in front of the table ex: xoops_bb_forum_group_access !Dough! on my part

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/3/4 21:41

  • regen_r8

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2002/5/23

I'm glad you got it working. Just remember the performance caveats -- if you are using the group access and have lots of users and lots of groups and lots of forums and lots of posts - the outer joins that are used in this mod have some inherent performance issues. For smallish sites, no one would notice, but on a site the size of this one, with lots of private forums, one might feel the performance hit in the seat of the pants, especially if one had high db server utilization (many hosts share DB servers between web servers because many sites are low db utilization (they theorize))

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/4/14 16:46

  • king76

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  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2003/1/15


I have a problem with this hack...

On my website :

- One forum : PRIVATE (access by 2 groups only : Webmasters and "comité")

In the preference, I use : "Hidden Private forum without permissions"

But... If I turn on this option, the private forum is Hidden... same is I am the webmaster of the website...
If I from of "Comité" group, I can See the forum !!

You understand my bad english ?

I use XOOPS 2.06

Thks you


Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/4/14 19:45

  • regen_r8

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2002/5/23

Bad ainglish not withstanding... This is what I think you said:

In forum preferences you are using :
Permission Assigned by - Groups
Hide private forums from users without permission - Yes

You have a private forum to which two groups have access:
Webmaster, comite.

When you who are the site admin look at the site, you cannot see the forum, When you add yourself to the comite group, you can see the forum.

If I have interpreted the circumstances correctly, then one of two things can be true:
1) you are not in the webmaster group
2) the patch is not completely installed

Next diagnostic steps:

* Create a new user and assign him to the webmaster group only
* determine if he can see the private forum.
* if he can, the problem is likely with your user group record in webmaster group.

* If he can't see the forum, create a second user and assign him only to comite group.
* determine if he can see the private forum.
* If he can see the forum, then the patch may not be completely installed. - Compare the files in the patch with those on your site.

otherwise, use a MySQL database tool such as phpmyadmin to look that the [prefix]_forum_group_access table and look at the rows for this forum. It is possible that something else has damaged the table.

Good luck!

Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/4/15 8:08

  • king76

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2003/1/15

Hello regen,

You like my english ? :)


In forum preferences you are using :
Permission Assigned by - Groups
Hide private forums from users without permission - Yes

You have a private forum to which two groups have access:
Webmaster, comite.

When you who are the site admin look at the site, you cannot see the forum, When you add yourself to the comite group, you can see the forum.


If I have interpreted the circumstances correctly, then one of two things can be true:
1) you are not in the webmaster group
>> I'm the webmaster, administrator (id=1)

2) the patch is not completely installed
>> I have updated all the files again.

* Create a new user and assign him to the webmaster group only
* determine if he can see the private forum.
>> I have created the user "testwebmaster" assigned in WEBMASTER's group (admin group) and I can see the private forum !

* if he can, the problem is likely with your user group record in webmaster group.
>> The problem is with my XOOPS Installation ??

Other Things :

- If I created one another user in group "comite", He can see the private forum...
- If I using : "Permission Assigned by - User", I can to see private forum with my account "webmaster" (group admin/webmaster)
- My table "xoops_bb_forum_group_access" is :

forum_id - group_id - can_post
1 - 2 - 0
1 - 1 - 0
2 - 1 - 1
2 - 22 - 1

The forum private id = 2 (group webmaster=1, group comite=22)

The problem is the forum_id=1, it's a old forum, that I deleted there is one moment... ?? Your script don't delete the old forum in this table ?

Thks you for helping me !


Re: Newbb Hack - updated for 2.0.6
  • 2004/4/15 12:37

  • regen_r8

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2002/5/23


I love your english... You sound like one of the french knights from Monty Python and the 'oly Grail...

Seriously, take a look at your webmaster group. Being the Admin user, it is possible that you have somehow been removed from the webmaster group. The hack cares only about group membership.

As for the script not cleaning up old forums? No it leaves everything in place, but creates a new table that you must populated with forum group access rights.

Hope this helps and good luck..



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