I've got the miniserver setup
I moved all files and folders from the XOOPS Install packet that were in the HTML folder (not folder) into the W:\WWW\xoops (I created a folder xoops)
When I go through the install I get all green rectangles as I go until I reach the
check database
Could not connect to the database server.
Please check the database server and its configuration.
<< restart from the beginning
Here is what I filled in for the MySql
In MyPHPAdmin I've created a database named Xoops1
My answer to each question follows the >
General configuration
Database - Choose the database to be used > MySQL
Database Hostname - Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, 'localhost' works in most cases. >localhost
Database Username - Your database user account on the host > userdb
Database Password - Password for your database user account > passdb
Database Name - The name of database on the host > xoops1
The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist
Table Prefix - This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid name conflict in the database. If you are unsure, just use the default 'xoops'. > XOOPS
Use persistent connection? - Default is 'NO'. Choose 'NO' if you are unsure. Yes No >NP
XOOPS Physical Path - Physical path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
XOOPS Virtual Path (URL) > w:/www/xoops
Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash >
http://localhost/xoops confirm >>
Again when I get to the CHECK DATABASE POPUP I Get
check database
Could not connect to the database server.
Please check the database server and its configuration.
If I cancel and try to reload the webpage I get
whether I try
http://localhost/a/ or
http://localhost or
http://localhost/xoops Fatal error: Unable to connect to database in f:\appserv\www\xoops\class\database\databasefactory.php on line 34
Soory for the long posting, but I've exhausted just about every thing I can imagine.