It is the wind-down for New Year so this isn't the best time to try and think.. And I haven't been watching the thread until now. You have two issues here, one is determining the correct variable names and value syntax, and then knowing if you can even pass that data without bumping into a little thing called security.
¿ Register_Globals = Off or On ?Imagine if someone with a lot more knowledge could type something in the URL and blow up your site? Not good.
So, can you turn some debugging on and watch the action so you can see what is being passed around? Then look at the source code (Open and Free, ain't it a wonderful thing?). You can also see a lot with the Apache logs. You can learn a lot when you see it.
But to answer your question directly: Dunno. Sorry..
It is so quiet right now all around the planet if you're not out getting party.
Don't mind me, I'm just making noise where there is none...
Merry Thingamabob!
Oh yeah, you could make a structured query and do it in a link on the site or under a menu item choice, instead of a tool bar / address bar thingy.