Re: To do Module

Hi! Might be more polite.

Re: To do Module

Oh, I did try to write it politely. I didn't take offense, but only because I could see that it wasn't meant as I first understood it, which I tried to relay.

It was meant as a friendly advice, nothing more.

Re: To do Module
  • 2004/1/3 18:23

  • spacegat

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2003/12/30

Thank you for the advice!
I'm french and i don't really know english customs.
But how to end my posts, that's the question???

Re: To do Module

Some don't really need an ending

Just like in a conversation, you say something, others say something else (preferably when you have said, what you wanted to say) and when you have stopped speaking (or pressed "submit" on the post form) we know you are done and that we can give our input

Bye is so ... final ... something you say when you will not talk to the other person in a while (leaving or possibly hanging up the phone) whereas these forum posts are usually meant for others to give their input right away

If you absolutely feel you need to finish your post with something, something simple like this could do:


Re: To do Module
  • 2004/1/3 18:43

  • spacegat

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2003/12/30

Thanks for this answer!

Re: To do Module
  • 2004/1/5 10:06

  • thebigkk

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 103

  • Since: 2003/10/27

G'day again spacegate. I registered , and logged on to your site, but could not find the todo module. Not being able to interpret french doesn't help either

All i could do was what i was previously doing. Am i on the right track?


Re: To do Module
  • 2004/1/5 12:52

  • YourHelp

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 479

  • Since: 2003/6/9 6

I like the sound of this module.. maybe some nifty little images and bars or maybe pie graph..

Resized Image

Re: To do Module

I like the sound of this module too. It seems like it would be easier to use for people that just need a task manager without all the frills.

Re: To do Module
  • 2004/1/5 22:23

  • thebigkk

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 103

  • Since: 2003/10/27

Exactly what i'm looking for. No frills needed. just add a task, the option to edit it, and be able to delete it.

CBlue, I did try / am now using WSproject. I hacked the Mytask block to just dislay the add/edit links, and removed all the user detail ( as I know who I am). This is working very well at the moment, and I guess, has the option of being able to be used as a fully blown manager for those that want the bells and whistles.

I am still very interested in seeing what Spacegate comes up with, though I am having trouble interpreting the french language on his site.

Ps. If anyone wants the hacked mytask block file, i'd be happy to post it.


Re: To do Module

That's great thebigkk! Glad to see you were able to modify it a bit to help you. You can enter Spacegat's site url in google and then use google to translate his site for you. You may be able to read things a bit better this way.


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