Thanks for the above; The control panel rename is straightforward, but it does not work for all modules. I have 'simple counter' and 'random quote' modules. I have changed the names in admin>modules etc. and in the language files 'modinfo.php' as follows
// // Names of blocks for this module (Not all module has blocks)
define("_RQ_BNAME","Random quote"); //used to be //
define("_RQ_BDESC","Shows a random quote");
and in simple counter file modinfo.php
define('_MI_SIMPLECOUNTER_NAME', 'VisitorCounter');
define('_MI_SIMPLECOUNTER_DESC', 'Visitor counter'); //used to be //
The counter block still shows as 'Simple Counter' and the quote block still shows as 'The quote'
Browser cache is clear... any other ideas?
Thanks Richard