System Block Moved
  • 2003/12/3 5:12

  • djsckizo

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2003/5/9 8

So there I was! (setting the scene for you)...a dark and stormy night at noon....

I was updating the Webmaster settings because I wanted it to say "Admin" instead of "Webmasters". Anyway, after doing this, my system block vanished. I fixed that part by going back and checking all of the system admin things (which I forgot to do apparently). The strange thing happened next. The System block did appear again, but it was not at the top. It was below my only other mod that was added (Invision Board mod I believe). However, this has happened before. The System block gets moved around when I update a group with system access. Anyone know how to move it back to the top? Even better....know how to move all of the blocks around to where I want them?

Re: System Block Moved

To move the system icon back to the top, just go to your groups admin and click on each different group and click the update button. I do this whenever I install a new module and my system icons get moved around.

Re: System Block Moved
  • 2003/12/3 18:03

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23

Wow! That worked! I've been having that same issue with the system admin logo. Thanks!

Now, that really has to go to the wiki!

Re: System Block Moved

You would think it was in the wiki? I haven't checked out all of the wiki so I don't know if it's in there. I usually find my answers to problems on this board or by trying things out myself. I guess I could be doing things the hard way, huh?


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