Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/26 23:46

  • fishspon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/11/23

Is it possible to create custom user profile fields??

Standard fields already exist, like Real Name, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, Location etc... but i would like to create some custom ones for my hifi site (like "Your amp", "Your speakers" etc...).

is this possible??

Also, if it is possible... is it also possible to get the custom fields to display underneath where it says "Joined:", "From:" and "Posts:" in the forum (and other places)??

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/29 17:38

  • fishspon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/11/23

sorry to bump the post, but does anyone know this?

Is it possible to create custom user profile fields??

Standard fields already exist, like Real Name, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, Location etc... but i would like to create some custom ones for my hifi site (like "Your amp", "Your speakers" etc...).

is this possible??

Also, if it is possible... is it also possible to get the custom fields to display underneath where it says "Joined:", "From:" and "Posts:" in the forum (and other places)??

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??

Short answer: Sure you can, just edit the files and add the fields to the database table.

I'm a bit hungover, so that answer will have to do for now.

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??

Files you edit are user.php and edituser.php and also the system template file for your user page. Then you need to update your system module.

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/29 19:39

  • fishspon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/11/23

thanks for the help guys... but i'm still almost as lost as i was before... i have absolutely no understanding of PHP at all... and even through phpMyAdmin, i don't know what to add to the database... lol

useless, aren't i!

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/29 20:52

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

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If you're not really up for the task, then don't do it... It's a lot more complicated then just adding a bit of code here and there and adding a few table fields. In the next version (2.1) this feature will be added. Either wait for that, or as a non-hungover developer is he/she would do it for you


Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/29 22:33

  • fishspon

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/11/23

ok, thanks dude... i think i'll wait for 2.1

is there any idea on a predicted release date yet? no worries if not...

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/29 22:38

  • robekras

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 187

  • Since: 2002/12/10

Don't even think for asking for a release date for 2.1

Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/29 22:50

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

sometime this century, we think The devs are working hard on this now, but there will be many things in this release, so they'll be working hard on this for a while I think.


Re: Can i create custom user profile fields??
  • 2003/11/30 7:16

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23

A workaround for what you want is to identify the fields that you do not need and re-label them. That's what I did for my site. This is especially useful for people with minimal PHP skills.

In my case, I changed 'Occupation' and 'Interests' to something more specific for my users.

Go to your language folder and change the labels from there.


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