Several of my users has complained about not beeing able to use the memberlist on their Opera browsers.
The problem appears after the membersearch, when the first list of members is beeing displayed. To see the next part of list, one have to press "2", "3" etc.. This is where Opera breaks, as it returns the user directly to the search form.
I looked thrugh the memberlist php code, and noticed an interesting feature, which I haven't seen any other place.
When pressing "2", the URL is set to "modules/xoopsmembers/index.php#2", and the "#2" part is used inside the module to display part 2 of the list.
However, it seems Opera belives a hash (#) indicates an onpage referance to be evaluated after the page is recieved, and thus should not be forwarded to the server.
In other words, "modules/xoopsmembers/index.php#2" is sent to the server as "modules/xoopsmembers/index.php".
I guess the source should be modified to use "?" instead of "#", but I'm not realy good enough at php to do it.
Did any of you allready make this fix?
Best regards,