  • 2007/6/10 18:47

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

Moving the discussion of these topics from this thread, since it lead to be off topic:
BlueStocking wrote:Quote:


I had thought about redoing the older documents by editing to bring up to a more current status, and soon found out I did not know enough about XOOPS to be able to do that.
I do believe that if XOOPS WIKI was opened to allow for a free flow of information it would be possible to achieve.

There has to be an area of trust to "let it happen"

Communications is a delicate area, often misinterpeted.


snow77 wrote:Quote:

quoting BlueStocking
I do believe that if XOOPS WIKI was opened to allow for a free flow of information it would be possible to achieve.

As current owner and administrator of xoopswiki.org (if it is that site you were referring to), I don't understand at all the meaning of your sentence.

snow77 wrote:Quote:

BTW what does this have to do with the Skenow's member nomination thread? maybe you could move these two last posts too as it seems off topic.

BlueStocking wrote:Quote:

Sorry if you found my remarks offensive. I misunderstood the intent of the thread, I thought is was about doing documentation and contributing to Xoops, I missed the nonimation part.

Free flow of information is when you pick up on a subject and are allow to let it flow in whatever direction it takes.


I didn't take it as offensive, I just couldn't/can't find a meaning to what you said, as it seemed to me that you found something in the wiki that didn't allow for the interaction of information be done in the correct manner, but you never mentioned the root of what you think is the obstacle you have found.

BlueStocking wrote:Quote:
Free flow of information is when you pick up on a subject and are allow to let it flow in whatever direction it takes.

Do you give birth to a child and let him take every path that is presented to him under any kind of influence?


Anyways, concerning the xoopswiki site, it's closed right now but won't be closed forever. I am doing hosting maintenance to it and have donated the domain to the XOOPS foundation. It remains as an independent site to provide the XOOPS community a working space, owned by community members and am in plans of reorganizing administrative roles as I no longer plan to be site manager.

All organizational structure concerns like the one expressed by BlueStocking can be done at the xoopswiki forum when it opens. I'll continue participating there as normal user, the final decisions being taken by the administrators left in charge.

Re: xoopswiki.org
  • 2007/6/11 1:32

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

  • Since: 2004/1/25

Hi ana and BlueStocking,

This topic demonstrates the importance of proper communication.
To be honest I couldn't follow BlueStocking's sentence of "I do believe that if XOOPS WIKI was opened to ..." but I do believe he is trying to help things go well : )


Re: xoopswiki.org

@phppp, I was writing this and my dsl went down in the middle of trying to post it... Now, I see you have responded. I appreciate that.

My problem is I am not sure what I have to bring to the table and being new and not knowing the players I am having a hard time even finding the table.
This is what I had written snow, (would have lost had I not copied and pasted I do that just in case, when the post gets long winded.)

So now it is for both of you...
I sent you this much eariler for posting on the XOOPS Wiki site so that those interested in helping to update the operations guide might have a place to start working on it where others could also pitch in. So much good work has been done that just appears to need to be reaffirmed and updated. As I said before I didn't want to practice on your site so I uploaded it on my own where I could produce the template file and prepare the way for documentations.
Of course I planned to copy it (source wise) to the official XOOPS wiki site, with appropiate permission if it is useful. If not, I have learned some things about Wiki and Xoops, so nothing is lost.

BTW: You did post a notice that the module repository was completed and closed, I took you at your word especially since you didn't respond to this. I don't know how else you planned to use the wiki but as a community member I see it as a tool of great value to be used by us all. Not as a team member but as a willing worker.


==Operations Manual==
'''Table of Contents'''

1. General principles

* 1.1. The XOOPS core

** 1.2. Modules

** 1.3. Blocks

** 1.4. Users and groups

** 1.5. Content

** 1.6. Language files

** 1.7. Themes and templates

2. The Admin Interface

* 2.1. Logging in

** 2.1.1. As Site Administrator

** 2.1.2. As Registered User

** 2.1.3. Incorrect Login Procedure

** 2.1.4. Logging Out

* 2.2. Control panel home

** 2.2.1. Some preliminaries before we get started in the admin area

* 2.3. Avatars

** 2.3.1. Adding avatars

** 2.3.2. Edit and delete Avatars

* 2.4. Banners

** 2.4.1. What are they?

** 2.4.2. Current active banners

** 2.4.3. Add new banner

** 2.4.4. Editing banners

** 2.4.5. Finished banners

** 2.4.6. Advertising clients

** 2.4.7. Add new client

* 2.5. Blocks

** 2.5.1. Overview

** 2.5.2. Configuring the blocks

** 2.5.3. Editing a block

** 2.5.4. Adding custom blocks


** 2.6.1. Overview

** 2.6.2. Manage comments

* 2.7. Find Users

* 2.8. Groups

** 2.8.1. Overview

** 2.8.2. The different sets of rights

** 2.8.3. Edit members of this group

** 2.8.4. Creating a new group

* 2.9. Image Manager

** 2.9.1. Adding image categories

** 2.9.2. Editing and deleting images and categories

** 2.9.3. Adding image files through the control panel

** 2.9.4. Accessing the image manager from the user side

* 2.10. Mail Users

* 2.11. Modules

** 2.11.1. Acquiring a module

** 2.11.2. Uploading the module

** 2.11.3. Installing the module

** 2.11.4. Setting module visibility and menu order

** 2.11.5. Configuring module settings and options

** 2.11.6. Setting user access rights for a module

* 2.12. Preferences

** 2.12.1. General Settings

** 2.12.2. User Info Settings

** 2.12.3. Meta Tags and Footer

** 2.12.4. Word Censoring Options

** 2.12.5. Search Options

** 2.12.6. Mail Setup

* 2.13. Smilies

** 2.13.1. Adding and editing smilies

* 2.14. Templates

** 2.14.1. The default template set

** 2.14.2. Cloning and downloading template sets

** 2.14.3. Editing templates

** 2.14.4. Uploading a new template set

'''List of Figures'''

2.1. Logging in

2.2. Current Active Banners

2.3. Advertising Clients

2.4. Logging in

2.5. Blocks Administration

2.6. Comment Manager

2.7. Edit Groups

2.8. Modify Groups

2.9. Selecting Modules from the menu system

2.10. An un-installed module

2.11. Installed module administration

2.12. Deactivated module

2.13. Module menu

2.14. Template manager

2.15. The different templates for a single module

2.16. Editing a template

'''List of Tables'''

2.1. New Avatar

2.2. New Banner

2.3. New Client

2.4. Block Administration

2.5. Block Editing

2.6. Comments Status

2.7. List Comments

2.8. Find Users

2.9. Adding Image Categories

2.10. Adding image files

2.11. Mail Users

2.12. General Settings

2.13. User Info Settings

2.14. Meta Tags and Footer

2.15. Mail Setup

=== Links ===

Main Page * [http://upnrunnin.hypermart.net/xoops03/xdocman/ Original Operation Guide]

At this point I am just getting acquainted, maybe even flirting with xoops, but I am not ready for marriage or a full time committment... I need to know you better.

As for being the proper place to post this code... No, it probably isn't. But I am appealing for help from 273 other XOOPS users currently seen on the who's online as opposed to the three or four on xoopswiki. I would like to see Wiki opened up to the community where they could give as little or as much as they wanted. That is what WIKI is all about, it should be a nice fit with XOOPS. I don't want to host it, I just want to be able to contribute to getting the job done. (preferrably on xoops)

Concerning children...
I am a 70 year old retired woman who has given birth to 4 children and I allow them all the independence they want or need. I'm long past the ego trip stage, I spend most of my time helping others achieve their goals because it gives me joy.

hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: xoopswiki.org
  • 2007/6/11 3:33

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

  • Since: 2004/1/25

Very great input for the TOC, BS

Thumbs up!

Re: xoopswiki.org

Hi Blue Stocking

Snow said Quote:
it's closed right now but won't be closed forever. I am doing hosting maintenance to it and have donated the domain to the XOOPS foundation.

She is being honest and truthful about this - rest assured you and others will be able to contribute but patience is needed while she takes the site through the process of maintaining it, donating it to XOOPS etc.

You will have plenty of opportunity to make your desires known once our community teams have been fully reorganised and are underway.

About 'Concerning children' -let's see if we can manage to close this part of the conversation as it is not conducive to our new spirit and I suspect there is some misinterpretation happening here.

I suspect what is intended here is that the desire to have 'Free flow of information is when you pick up on a subject and are allow to let it flow in whatever direction it takes.' is not necessarily what we need. Snow suggests justs as we raise children with direction - we need direction at XOOPS wiki. We cannot have complete 'free flow of information' if we want sensible XOOPS related and carefully developed information. A 'free flow' as suggested would be inviting inappropriate contribution and a lot of hard work for an administrator.

Xoops is undergoing a new awakening and from that process new guidelines, a new manifesto and a new direction will come. This will help us to grow. This will help us to design appropriate guidelines for the wiki and you would be welcome to contribute to that process, as will others.

I see you are already doing this with the proposed structure for the 'Operations manual' as you have suggested here. Once XOOPS gets this to the appropriate wiki forum I am sure your contribution will be greatly appreciated. I certainly do!

I sincerely hope this puts to rest the side comments on raising children. Lets focus on the actual development of the wiki site and thank Snow for all she has done and is still doing to get it set up for the community.

Re: xoopswiki.org
  • 2007/6/11 4:17

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1056

  • Since: 2003/9/27

I had thought about redoing the older documents by editing to bring up to a more current status, and soon found out I did not know enough about XOOPS to be able to do that.
I do believe that if XOOPS WIKI was opened to allow for a free flow of information it would be possible to achieve.

That would be great - particularly for the operations guide, which does not cover a few things like the delegation of authentication, and I think personal messaging etc.

I'll make the editable versions (Word/Open Office/images) of the documents that I have available shortly for use by people that want to improve/update them. Unfortunately I don't have the final version of the operations guide (only the PDF) but I'll contact some of the old team members and see if they have it.

Re. Wikis...I've just spent a few hours playing with these and come to the conclusion that I'm not really a Wiki guy, at least in terms of using it to write things, as I prefer to bang away offline and upload a file later. However, perhaps it would be a good way to encourage people to improve existing texts if we set up them up in a Wiki for people to comment on.

I really don't know how other people work. Maybe there should be a discussion on how community members prefer to work/share documentation? (Not right now, just flagging this as an issue that the communications team might want to address when it is finalised).

Re: xoopswiki.org

You give me what you have in Word and I will put it in XOOPS wiki in a heartbeat....

No problem....

That I CAN DO.

With permission, of course!!!

hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: xoopswiki.org
  • 2007/6/11 6:11

  • nachenko

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 356

  • Since: 2005/1/18


Some weeks ago I wrote an article entitled "How XOOPS rendered the page you're viewing", pointed to what I call "newbie developers", and I'm looking a place to fit it in.

The article has been published in XOOPS tips, but i'm looking a place where it fits as part of a bigger thing, perhaps as intro for something more detailed. I just saw the TOC and I think it would fit well as final section for "General principles" chapter, or as a intro document for newbies.

The link in XOOPS tips:


Re: xoopswiki.org


I tossed it in there.. You may edit it to clean it up a bit and if and when the area becomes available for uploading the pictures on XOOPS and changing the paths you can do it or I will help you if you want....

Keep the part you feel necessary from the old and throw away the rest. MAKE A COPY to your desktop so if it gets vandalized you can simply copy and paste the source back into the wiki.

Good luck..
and lets make it work.


hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: xoopswiki.org
  • 2007/6/11 8:53

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23



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