Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 12:00

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

i have 2 accounts.

and that's 2 accounts ONLY. not numerous accounts. I have 2 accounts, and I am in no way hiding myself in either of them like you are in yours.

in fact I make it quite clear who I am. see my profile extra info. My other username is m0nty.

those are the only 2 accounts I have here. and i only created this account due to issues with my m0nty account ages ago when I couldn't view profiles or use search or FAQ section whilst logged in on that username.. indeed i even started a thread about it in the members lounge. So don't lecture me on having multiple accounts when I am not hiding behind any of the 2 I have.

it's simple to work out who i am.. my 1st name is vaughan, my surname is montgomery (hence my 1st account username being m0nty), but I actually prefer being called Vaughan, as in real life nobody calls me monty. so i stuck to using this username since then.

any other usernames of monty on this site are NOT my accounts.. it's why i used '0' as an 'O' because i couldn't register as monty because the username was taken, and i didn't want a username with numbers after it.

I don't know why i'm explaining myself to the likes of you though being as you're the 1 hiding..

Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 12:56

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

You know what Monty, me and you have known each other for a long time. We have both been at XOOPS for a long time, please open your eyes to the bigger picture as to what is going on here and look at the real events. Yes, why should we as XOOPS users who feel that there are problems here an not fully being addressed by those who call themselves repsonsible adults then go do childish things in this forum.

The fact is Monty over this last month I have lost all my XOOPS clients to other CMS's because of Skapla and his motley crue, the fact that they couldn't start a pissup in a brewery. What you think by trying to shut people up this will cure the problem? You have to be joking right? The sad fact is that when people are not happy they will voice their options and rightly so and if they can't then I say that this is nothing more that this is dictatorship rule's and that is bad for XOOPS and bad for this community.

You think am doing this because I have an Axe to grind? no am doing this because believe it or not XOOPS means something to me, yes even now and I see what has happened to it since Skapla took over, actually nothing has happened to it. If it wasn't for people like Snow, bender and a few others there wouldn't be a XOOPS right now.

Lets get something straight, I AM a XOOPS user, I developer for clients (or I should say I did) and I am entitled to have my say in what happenes to it just like anyone else.

How long is it going to take you people to realize that more people are leaving Xoops, developers, themers and people who really want to help but are getting told they are not wanted? What I see is this Monty, Skalpa with a few choosen of his puppets running this show. Well tell you what Skalpa, why don't you go Fork XOOPS into what you dream it should be and leave the real work to those who will actually do it.

I have asked James to delete my account, but tell you what Monty, you can do it instead, as from today I have no need for XOOPS from this point forward. But mark my words, I will be proven right about this. Another year on and XOOPS will still be in the same boat as it was last year.

Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 14:26

  • showcase17

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 190

  • Since: 2005/1/6 0


it still depresses me the ppl running this show can't take any comments. Always been this way and suppose it always be.

Comments are learningexperience ppl! I agree with some and disagree with others, but all those comments are valid! Maybe one is easier to solve over others, but still all comments are valid.

The trend with those comments is always the same:
1. someone makes a well meant comment, having a problem or anything like that.
2. some dev or someone involved with XOOPS responds and starts denying and or gets personal.
3. before we know it theres a new dogfight and ppl start leaving XOOPS and or get pushed to the background. Their comments are not welcome and they will think again the next time putting something up (that's what happened to me).

We should pick up the pieces right now and start to see the real picture. Dev's, moderators should take their responsibilities and realize they represent a great product! You can't go accusing users of anything just because they have comments. Start thinking commercial, if this was a business how many customers would you still have? Would you be able to talk to your customers the way you do now?

Is this the commercial you want to run for Xoops?
"Yep we're free but $%^&*(&^%$%^&* #$%^%$##$%^&* #$%^& don't come complaining you $%^%#$%^& of a ^&*$$%^&*. Just be happy you're able to get this $%^&^$%^ product!"

Let me take it to the extreme:
We users are what you guys are developing for! Listen to us users or we will take this CMS to the ground. Don't come whining you put a lot of time into this, that's your choise!
All I care about is the product and the service.
But, before anyone starts over this: this is taken into the extreme!

How do we solve this?
Just some advise from someone with a graphic background. I learned not to respond immediately, take a step back, take some time and have a new look later on. Every painter, graphic artist will tell you it's always good to finish your work and put it away for a week or so, take some distance so you can have a fresh look. So maybe it would be great if you guys would take a leave for a week or so, do something else: family, friends... Take the powercord from your computer and mail it to a friend, whatever! Just no XOOPS for 1 week.
This is not just for Xoopsdevs but also for users.

Something needs to be done and it needs to be done right now if we still want to use XOOPS in a year.
Let's get a new positive look at XOOPS again and start building again, don't go deleting your accounts yet. Take a step back and have a fresh look.

So do I put the responsibility of the XOOPS mess at the XOOPS devs and moderators?
For 90% yes! Some of them useally start the dogfight (mostly the same), calling names and or accusing users. You can't do this! You guys and girls make a great product but the advertizing and service is really #$%^&%$##. Users and devs leaving XOOPS is because of you who are in for a dogfight! If you have no positive contribution to make just shut up and let others solve it.

Just to be clear: I DO NOT accuse all devs and moderators, there's a small part of them who always pick up the gloves. To you 1 advise: please leave!
Most of you do excellent work and I appriciate all the time and effort you put into it. It's really a shame you are always at the background and overwhelmed by those with the big mouths.

But that's my view and someone will start whining about it again, I'm sure of that. I won't respond to it, been some time I wanted to say this and now I finally did.
- To Explore and Discover -

Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 15:23

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1056

  • Since: 2003/9/27

A few things, for all:

* Please stop personalising the issues. You can argue your points without mentioning peoples names. If you attack people personally, they will stop listening and things go nowhere. Just stick to the problems at hand - and potential solutions.

* Stop beating up the mods aka 'shooting the messengers'. While it is a longstanding tradition, they are not part of the problem, and represent some of the few people actively working on the project.

* The community is the most important part of any open source project. I wonder whether in retrospect Miro would prefer to have control over the 'mambo' product, or whether they would prefer to have the 'mambo community' back. When large numbers of key contributors leave, its a problem. Dont deny it.

* It is entirely reasonable, after all this time, for people to ask for a bit of guidance on what the hell is happening with the XOOPS project. It is entirely unreasonable for those in charge not to supply it.

So supply it and have done with it.

Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 16:28

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

well, marvelous post madfish.

"Yep we're free but $%^&*(&^%$%^&* #$%^%$##$%^&* #$%^& don't come complaining you $%^%#$%^& of a ^&*$$%^&*. Just be happy you're able to get this $%^&^$%^ product!"

i hope we will be mature enough to come back to real community wise attidudes.

To quote myself


well, i wonder why it is so difficult :
- to explain who is working on what
- to explain when core team will have time to work on what, so new coders will clearly identify which part are worth to contribute to.

About contributions :
- Forums and trackers are plenty of non integrated contributions, many have created their own core-addon (smartobject/framework/etc.)
- information is locked. How to contribute without knowing what is the direction? if it's so difficult to explain, is there no direction?

The XOOPS community has been 2 years patient (perhaps more), for sure it would it be polite to explain what's going on, nothing more.
Community wants to help, no more. So don't say it does nothing. But for that it needs informations.


So, as the only way to sort out the "snake effect" is the lead team to give some informations :
- what about the previous directions (2 years ago),aka xoopshere, 2.3 and so on ?
- when will the community have some news about the directions (if any)?
- what's the chosen strategy to come from actual versions to the new one ? Is the start from scratch the chosen attitude (a completely rewritten core), as talked about at SF sometimes?
- When should we focus on 2.3 instead of 2.0x to propose patches and improvments?

That's the only questions to answer, and that's not up to the community to give the answers, it waits for news for more than 1 year, so i don't think its little demand is excessive.

Do synergy or die.

Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 18:55

  • jfmoore

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 360

  • Since: 2004/6/6 5


vaughan wrote:
I don't know why i'm explaining myself

I don't know either. Your only obligation is to do what you think is best for XOOPS as a moderator, and I think you are doing that. I may disagree about something or other, and say so, but I will not excoriate you for it because you have stepped up to the plate and assumed responsibility for what can at times be a thankless task. All of the rest of us need to remember and appreciate that.

Thanks for saying that you locked the topic. I assumed it was you, but who really doesn't matter except that the person who locked the topic is the only one who can say why. I am not experienced enough to know when a topic should be locked, or if one should ever be locked, but the reason I didn't understand about this one is that it was locked well after all contentious dialog had stopped and in what appeared to be the middle of a polite discourse between you and Marco.

The timing seems a little weird, and I might suggest that the locking didn't help, but, again, thanks for speaking up.


Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/20 20:00

  • jfmoore

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 360

  • Since: 2004/6/6 5


Catzwolf wrote:
I have asked James to delete my account, but tell you what Monty, you can do it instead, as from today I have no need for XOOPS from this point forward. But mark my words, I will be proven right about this. Another year on and XOOPS will still be in the same boat as it was last year.


I don't know you personally, and I hope you won't be offended if I speak as if I do. You are a XOOPS veteran. So far as I know, you were there from the first. You, for a lot of reasons, have a large stake in the project and want it to do well, but you don't believe that the present course will bring that about. You want Skalpa replaced as lead developer. So far there's nothing wrong with this, but there's more.

For some reason or other--more, I suppose, than just the present (apparent) lack of direction--there exists bad blood between you and Skalpa. You want to hurt Skalpa if for no other reason than you believe he is hurting Xoops, so you make statements like that quoted above. That's understandable. XOOPS is, however, more than Skalpa. As of this moment there are 46,789 members, and I would guess that most of those have XOOPS sites and many hours invested in learning and implementing XOOPS and, like you, want to see it do well. I would ask you, then, if whatever satisfaction you derive from hurting Skalpa is worth it if you hurt all of XOOPS in the process?

It's alright to want and seek change, but the seeking of change can be a constructive, rather than a destructive, process. If you harbor hard feelings and leave the community, taking your love of XOOPS and expertise with you, whom are you hurting more, Skalpa or the rest of us who need you, Herve, and others to stick around and help all of us who are less experienced to work through this?

Please think about it and then do what you think is right.


Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"

I have just breezed though this thread and don't like much of what I read and see that XOOPS is still struggling to move on from past hurts. Right now my personal life prevents me from even attempting to deal with any of this on any level - emotional or professional...but maybe some may benefit from me sharing this link :
From Whinger to Winner (Attitude Renovation 101)

While it relates to personal relationships between people I think it has applications to our XOOPS community. please try and take it as intended...some constructive ideas for moving on. Right now this all feels a lot like that teamwork cartoon where two donkeys tethered together are each going for a pile of food in opposite directions -and neither can reach the food - they eventually figure out that if they work as a team and share they can go to each pile of food together and consume one at a time. Team work, sharing and co-operation...i am beginning to wonder if the XOOPS community can do that?


[size=xx-small](PS for those who know what is happening in my personal life - I am doing well - enjoying the company of people who, believe it or not, - don't whinge, and who are not 'energy vampires'. Once I come to terms with the 'one whinger' that is in my life I might have something positive to perhaps inspire XOOPS to improve its broader community relationships too. So...when I get time I do pop in to check up - unfortunately I am tending to do this less often as moving away from negativity on a very personal front is what is helping me to be a better happier and less stressed person...the XOOPS community is too negative for me right now - I keep hoping to come back to less negativity and more doing - keep trying guys.) [/size]

Re: Why is this topic locked: "Xoops 2.3/2.4 or 3.0 update?"
  • 2007/5/21 9:36

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

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Exelente Jen, i search you here

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