Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!
  • 2007/4/19 16:28

  • gtop00

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...i want to be able to go to our sourceforge site and go over the core developers discussion of the situation. that gives free software it's strength. that gives it's community confidence. hiding and limiting information does the exact opposite.

Possible I guess: Read only access.

Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!

There shouldn't be premium members ...

The idea of another private room is so ALL members have a place to conduct business without being considered a public nuisance.

As it is the main page is taken up by those who have prolong, ongoing slightly contentious agendas.

They are fun to watch from the regulars, guests and signed in members... but they are not conductive to getting XOOPS business accomplished.


Note: sorry for the off topic... thanks for the pm'ed solution.
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Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!
  • 2007/4/19 18:43

  • rabideau

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I am not quite certain but I wonder if the problem is less to do with "how to deal with the XOOPS community problems" and more of an issue of "what causes these problems".

I am a big fan of open honest discourse. Simply stated, I think this community is currently struggling with how to accept and deal with open, honest discourse. Nerves appear to be frazzled and near their breaking point. For whatever reason, people are running too hot and angering too quickly. Humor is even a cause for some to lash out in anger.

Whether the XOOPS management discussions are on the street, in a back room, or hidden in a closet seems less relevant than whether people want to work together and do something positive.
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!

Somewhere in this thread is 'who is left moderating' and a question about the 'MIA' moderators.

I am just letting you all know I am still around watching and reading from the back seat. If I see something that needs immediate attention (a spam post) I can still do that. But I have no desire at all to get embroiled in the heated discussions that have been going on here and try to limit the number of times I give an opinion on an issue becuase -well - lets just say that due to personal cirumstances my skin is not thick enough to take the hurl of an insult without wanting to go find somewhere else to play. I have better things to do than break up verbal stouches at xoops.

I do however like some of the good ideas I am seeing here and hope that in the end with some compromise (you cannot please everyone all the time) some solutions can be at least tried.

I believe in finding a solution - looking at it, perhaps giving it a test run - and reviewing if it is making the difference. None of us have a crystal ball to look into the future so we can't predict what for example creating a new forum for XOOPS issues and heated debate might bring.

Personally I would love to have the heated debates off the front page - out of the 'recent posts' list - so they can only be found by looking for them if you want to join in. But all members need access to them - So a new category set up in such a way may enable this to happen could work - why not try it out?. my only reservation is It will take a specially skilled moderator to manage that forum with diplomacy using xoopsiquette as the guideline. We get misinterpreted as the people with power - truly I see my only power as asking people to follow Xoopsiquette - that was the job I was asked to do.

When my personal life is settled and in order you will see me being the active moderator who focuses on the new users needs once again. I have not left - just looking after myself and protecting a very wounded heart (personal issues) which cannot take the insults and criticisms (constructive or otherwise) from people outside my personal life as well as those within it. Once I have repaired my thicker skin I will be able to be more active. And I look forward to it.

'The wave of change is upon us' is the title of this thread - lets get on and try this suggested change. I have not liked seeing that the wave of change has led to good people moving on.

Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!

Jens, you have clas(s)....
You spoke many words of wisdom.

It is nice to know you are there.

If this thread was made members only, (it is a members lounge) it would move the bulk of the negative off the front page... and life could go on as usual.

Just a thought.
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!
  • 2007/4/19 21:17

  • eric235u

  • Not too shy to talk

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i think what jens says is good:

I believe in finding a solution - looking at it, perhaps giving it a test run - and reviewing if it is making the difference. None of us have a crystal ball to look into the future so we can't predict what for example creating a new forum for XOOPS issues and heated debate might bring.

Personally I would love to have the heated debates off the front page - out of the 'recent posts' list - so they can only be found by looking for them if you want to join in. But all members need access to them - So a new category set up in such a way may enable this to happen could work - why not try it out?. my only reservation is It will take a specially skilled moderator to manage that forum with diplomacy using xoopsiquette as the guideline. We get misinterpreted as the people with power - truly I see my only power as asking people to follow Xoopsiquette - that was the job I was asked to do.

a possible solution could be to make the 'Members Lounge' and / or 'feedback & suggestions' the place for such political discussions. they could be off the front page but still accessible by search engines and anonymous visitors. off the front page but still free speech. does that sound reasonable? if it doesn't work out we can always change it back. as long as conversation is not hidden we'll be ok.

Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!
  • 2007/4/19 21:20

  • web-M

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Jensclas you certain spoke wise words.

In sessions I give to teams and individuals I always mention the importance of staying in contact with yourself. Without that you will lose contact with the others.

I got a warm feeling of your selfreflection.Take your time if you know that you have to!

In this topic are maybe certain ideas wich support the idea of a forum wich is not at the frontpage. But in my opinion that 'for menbers only' forum does not give posters the right to not follow the XOOPSetiquettes.
Everyone has the rights to have it's own ideas and opinions but the discussion has to stay respectfull if we want to hold contact with eachother. Thats the only way to come to a compromise or evenmore a win-win situation!

Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!
  • 2007/4/19 21:23

  • eric235u

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 149

  • Since: 2004/12/19

Avoid Private Discussions

Even after you've taken the project public, you and the other founders will often find yourselves wanting to settle difficult questions by private communications among an inner circle. This is especially true in the early days of the project, when there are so many important decisions to make, and, usually, few volunteers qualified to make them. All the obvious disadvantages of public list discussions will loom palpably in front of you: the delay inherent in email conversations, the need to leave sufficient time for consensus to form, the hassle of dealing with naive volunteers who think they understand all the issues but actually don't (every project has these; sometimes they're next year's star contributors, sometimes they stay naive forever), the person who can't understand why you only want to solve problem X when it's obviously a subset of larger problem Y, and so on. The temptation to make decisions behind closed doors and present them as faits accomplis, or at least as the firm recommendations of a united and influential voting block, will be great indeed.

Don't do it.

As slow and cumbersome as public discussions can be, they're almost always preferable in the long run. Making important decisions in private is like spraying contributor repellant on your project. No serious volunteer would stick around for long in an environment where a secret council makes all the big decisions.

from producingoss.com

Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!
  • 2007/4/19 23:03

  • skenow

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Back to the original topic - Change IS Upon Us!

The purpose of this topic was to provide information the community was clamoring for - development is continuing with renewed vigor, Skalpa's health is returning, respected members are returning to the project and community, and changes are happening. Much to look forward to - thank you.

Now to the second topic in this thread - keeping the highly emotional and passionate 'discussions' away from the project front page. I am highly in favor of this and the explanation of the intent and method is acceptable. Thus, a forum viewable only by logged-in users (all registered users, not restricted to a certain group) would appear to be in order, based on the majority of comments here. This does not hide anything from the community and may also increase the number of people that actually log in!

Many valid points have been raised and some proposals have come of this, and I encourage those presenting them to start a thread and detail their approach.


Re: The Wave of Change IS Upon Us!

My thoughts...

it is obvious, it is needed... we want it, the question is the same as I had at the start of the discussion. Does anyone have any authority to simply make the change. Will they?

Some of us asked for a poll module but it wasn't forth coming, so we can't ask for a head count. This seems a simple request that on XOOPS shouldn't take more than the flip of a switch that says display yes/no permissions.

I would.. if I could.. but I can't!!!
WHO has the authority to MAKE THIS HAPPEN?

Not entirely just a "BS" question.
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