To connect to a database you need to specify the username and password plus the database name.
Providing the physical URL and virtual address of the site is correct all should work ok
1- the address looks ok, because you get a message saying 'the page your accessing is outside of the XOOPS physical path' Or something like that.
Next access phpmyadmin and check your database is there with the correct name.
Has the host changed your admin login password or username? if so this needs to be updated MANUALLY in the mainfile.php
check these lines 70-84 and change 'example' if required:
// Database Hostname
// Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, 'localhost' works in most cases.
define('XOOPS_DB_HOST', 'example');
// Database Username
// Your database user account on the host
define('XOOPS_DB_USER', 'example');
// Database Password
// Password for your database user account
define('XOOPS_DB_PASS', 'example');
// Database Name
// The name of database on the host. The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist
define('XOOPS_DB_NAME', 'example');