Ahh well now first I am going to the hairdressers, then to a nail salon to get the nails done...and then maybe even a fake tan...and i will come home to a home cleaned by my kids cos they love me so much...and then by hubby will take me to the best restaurant in town for dinner and actually take me dancing (not that would be nice) and then we'd lie in on sunday and the kids will bring me brekky in bed, finsih the washing and tell me to put my feet up for the day....
and yes I am dreaming!

As my hubby says - when he becomes and astronaught....
Actually Probably won't be doing much at all as i am pretty much 'out of order' with the flu...but a mothers work is never done and there will be some jobs i will just have to do for myself...but I am thankful my family is pretty well trained to fend for themselves and look after me when I am sick.

They know that when I say "i am going to bed to rest" I really mean "do not disturb if your life is worth living'!
Enjoy your patries, family time and quiet times everyone.