"admin" user can't make any changes
  • 2006/10/19 19:11

  • ioeth

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2006/10/19

I've just started a brand new job and one of my responsibilities is managing our company's website, which runs under XOOPS 2. I've never had any experience with it before, and nobody here knows anything about it either. I did manage to reset the admin account password by directly modifying the database, so I can now log in as the administrator.

The problem that I am having is that after I log in, if I try to make any changes, they do not go through. For instance, user account creation is disabled, and I need to enable it to create some user accounts. If I go to the preferences page and tick "Yes" and then hit "Go!", I get the database update successful page, but user account creation remains disabled! This happens for anything I try to do, including editing user accounts, changing any preferences, etc. Does anyone recognize what's going on here?


Re: "admin" user can't make any changes

I guess you are going to need some basic tools here - starting with understanding how to set your preferences and permissions. here are our primary sources for guidance and support:

New users should always checkout the following:
1. Documentation - linked on the left. Specifically the administration manual
2. The FAQ section - linked on the left - specifically the sections on gloassry, beginners first steps, modules, blocks and themes. There are links to visual tutorials here.
3. The search function on the top right.
Please check also the read B4U post link below if you have problems.

For Visual tutorials please go here

Your fist port of call will probably be to login as admin, go to site admin, click on sytem - preferences - general settings. (and then work through the rest) Go through there and make sure you check the details suit your needs - including cache - any changes you make will be unseen if cache is operating on that particular module.

When you do need specific help with a problem be sure to follow the read before you post infomration linked below.

If there is anything you still don't understand please ask. In particular for us to be able to help you in specific terms we need to know your versions.


Re: "admin" user can't make any changes
  • 2006/10/19 21:10

  • ioeth

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2006/10/19


Thanks for the helpful references. I've already looked through a lot of the documentation, and I can't find anything that pertains to my problem, so I think I do need specific help.

To illustrate my problem, I'll give another example. Say that I want to change the "Admin email address" field, I would go to the "General Settings" page under "Preferences Main". I enter the new email address in the field, and then press "Go!". At that point, XOOPS throws the "Database Updated Successfully!" page, but upon checking the "General Settings" page or the database itself, it is clear that no updates have been applied.

This is happening on any preferences page, user modification page, etc. I am logged in with the "admin" user account and the version of XOOPS we're running is Please let me know if I can give any more information that would be helpful!


Re: "admin" user can't make any changes
  • 2006/10/24 20:38

  • tbutcher

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2006/10/24

Try turning register_globals On in your php.ini file.

Re: "admin" user can't make any changes

Try turning register_globals On in your php.ini file.

I am not sure this is a good idea - you will find through some research this is recomended to be off for security reasons. here is one post on this i found

You are using XOOPS 2.0.7 - I suggest you look at upgrading as the issues you are having may require some updating. I see you have already asked about this. here. Give that a shot and come back if all is not well.

Re: "admin" user can't make any changes
  • 2006/10/25 17:18

  • ioeth

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2006/10/19

Thanks for the tips! I think that doing an upgrade will probably be the best place to continue.

I did start a new thread about this topic that is located in the "XOOPS general usage questions" folder rather than the "Beginners Corner". You can find it here.

I think that forum is a better place for the topic to continue, and that thread does have better information and description of the problem from me. If a moderator wants to lock this particular topic so that the discussion can continue unbranched over there, I would not object.


New thread: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=20&topic_id=54424


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