Hi Lionel - the concept is still very much the same...
Across the top tabs the first one is 'Categories' so create a category or two - to test mine I create one called catgeory test, another called gissip cafe.
Then click the 'forums' tab and within each category, creat your individual forums. You will see in the table after edit, delete, an 'add' with a +forum button. Press this to create a 'forum topic' within your category. A new form comes up for you to fill in the details. At the bottom it says:
Topic permissions for this Forum:
There is a tick box to use default permission set and next to that a link Set default permission template - no point in clicking default permissions if you haven't set the default permission template.
So click the default permission template and a new window will appear. This will allow you to set global permissions for your forums - Make sure registered users and webmasters can start 'new topics'. Note the difference in the use of the word 'topic' here - in the first instance you have to create broad forum topics - in the second users get to create if you like 'post' topics.
Save it and then you have permissions set for most of your 'forum topics'. Users with the correct permsission should now be able to 'post' a 'new topic' - a topic within your 'forum topic'.
Now lets say you want to have an internal topic - one the public don't see that is say between you and your moderators...in this case you would not click the tick box for global permssions. You would select from your list of users as selected moderators then save the 'forum topic' and go to the permissions management section, and select the level of access you wish to edit - eg 'can access' and make sure the only ones who can are the ones you wish to do so.