News 1.44 Block Issues
  • 2006/6/20 2:25

  • chrispapa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2006/6/4 2

I saw another thread similar but slightly different than this one, and I didnt see one in the archives.

I am running 2.0.14 on my XOOPS site which I am still building. I upgraded from News that came with the bundle to News 1.44. When I did this, I have found myself unable to edit the blocks. Unlike others problems where the block disappears, I get the error screen after making a change "Failed update of block ID.: 78"

Since I didnt have much in there, I uninstalled the module, then deleted it from the server, I then did a fresh install of 1.44. The install is functional, but I still get the same errors when I try to update the blocks.

I made sure all files in the templates and blocks were writeable, the cache is set to "no cache", I have the templates set to refresh on every page load ... I dont know what else to do!

I ran 1.44 on a 2.2.3 release on an earlier site, and I would very much like to run with 1.44 only because of the "recent news" block and its simplicity (I post about 400 press releases a week in 90+ categories).

Any ideas?

Re: News 1.44 Block Issues

Did you check the Bug tracker at sourceforge? may be addressed there.

Re: News 1.44 Block Issues
  • 2006/6/20 3:47

  • chrispapa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2006/6/4 2

I did now, but didn't see anything.

Re: News 1.44 Block Issues
  • 2006/6/20 3:51

  • chrispapa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2006/6/4 2

I also noticed when trying to edit the template that it was editing the default template set versus my edited and cloned template set. It shows that there are 15 templates in the default, and 14 in my cloned. There are two of the same (which happens to be the file I want to edit) news_block_top.html" in the default.

How can I delete the duplicate, and will that then default me to attach the cloned temp set to this block?

By the way, I have isolated the error to being which news sections I select, but it appears to be a count versus a specific selection. Everything else in the block appears to be accepting changes.

Re: News 1.44 Block Issues
  • 2006/6/20 5:08

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1056

  • Since: 2003/9/27

A few things...

* You should not be able to edit the default template set from within XOOPS, as it does not allow it (unless this is a new feature in 2.0.14? I haven't tried it). The reason for this is that the default templates are supposed to be a fallback that you can use if anything goes wrong. Normally if you want to make changes you have to clone the default template set and you can work on that.

* You can set the template set you want to use in administration => preferences => general. Set it to your cloned template set. Don't forget to set 'update templates' to yes, while you are editing them or you won't be able to see the changes.

* Don't delete that duplicate template in the news module. There are two blocks that *claim* to use one template (I think it is news_block_top.html) but from memory I think they are actually different - I remember having a lot of trouble trying to modify that block. Leave it alone, the default set is correct!

Re: News 1.44 Block Issues
  • 2006/6/20 12:42

  • chrispapa

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2006/6/4 2


MadFish wrote:
A few things...

* You should not be able to edit the default template set from within XOOPS, as it does not allow it (unless this is a new feature in 2.0.14? I haven't tried it). The reason for this is that the default templates are supposed to be a fallback that you can use if anything goes wrong. Normally if you want to make changes you have to clone the default template set and you can work on that.

* You can set the template set you want to use in administration => preferences => general. Set it to your cloned template set. Don't forget to set 'update templates' to yes, while you are editing them or you won't be able to see the changes.

* Don't delete that duplicate template in the news module. There are two blocks that *claim* to use one template (I think it is news_block_top.html) but from memory I think they are actually different - I remember having a lot of trouble trying to modify that block. Leave it alone, the default set is correct!

I know this. What I am saying is that the block I need to edit doesnt exist in the cloned template set. How can I create it?

And even if I was able to, this still doesn't solve the functionality issue with the block.


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