which CMS to employ ?
  • 2006/3/17 10:08

  • coups

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2006/3/17

Well we'll bite.

Which "CMS" would you use for 2 (two) not one very large Family Web Portals. We have 2 (two) familys and extensive relatives on both sides to consider. One of the familys ancestors may well go back into the Dark ages time frame. The other is just as historical and is again historicly connected to our land mass and the beginnings of a well known historical tourist destination at this time.

We hope to do our own News worthy events, provide space for a collarge of old black and white historical photo's family recipies, family contacts, friends of our familys contacts, etc. etc. In fact what ever we can manage with our family members providing the human work force.

We already have through our web hosting providers package all of the following, plus plus plus.

500 email addresses per domain 2 x 500 for volanteer staff and also for family headships.

10gig x 2 of web space

200gig x 2 per month of bandwidth

50 x 2 ftp accounts

20 x 2 mailing lists

50 x 2 sub domains

50 x 2 parked domains

10 x 2 add on domains

50 x 2 My SQL Databases

Apache Server kernel 2.4.21-37.0.1.ELsmp

perl version 5.8.7

PHP version 4.4.1

MySQL version 4.0.25-standard

PHP version 4.4.1

I would suspect as the same web hosting provider 12 - 13 months ago had mambo - phpnuke - XOOPS - and typo3 as installable CMS i think we could install just about anything.

BUT .... i've got the feeling have install all four of them, that they differ and certainly there would be new version now.

You suggestions are welcome

regards to all

Re: which CMS to employ ?

XOOPS of cause!

I think you can do pretty much everything with XOOPS or joomla, it boils down to what you feel most comfortable administrating.

Re: which CMS to employ ?
  • 2006/3/17 10:34

  • coups

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2006/3/17


bluenova wrote:
XOOPS of cause!

I think you can do pretty much everything with XOOPS or joomla, it boils down to what you feel most comfortable administrating.

reply to bluenova

Yes bluenova, I really believe it's a lot to do with administrating, if it a pain in the butt, it a pain i just don't need. I messed on our web space with XOOPS haveing installed it from fantastco, over 12 months ago. I had several 3rd party themes a couple of which did not display well in both ie and at the time mozilla. Other than permissions which seemed to be rather confusing to me it wasn't too bad i guess. I must admit i didn't come into the forum at the time. i tried to battle on my self.... it was hell !

I still don't quite know how you make sure you can screen unwanted bulk content, unacceptable images, particularly when possibly thousands of family may wish to contribute to the family photo gallerys.News items etc.

I guess,,, what i am saying,, i shudder slightly at certain possibilities. I guess the only way is to use a temp ftp folder and move acceptable photos into the gallery proper.

thanks for your reply.

Re: which CMS to employ ?

I think all the galleries available for XOOPS have an admin approval function. If you install the Extensible Waiting Block Module it will list what is waiting for most modules, so you can see as soon as you login if there is content waiting to be approved.


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