https://xoops.org/modules/repository/singlefile.php?cid=111&lid=1624easiest but most powerful XOOPS multilingual content management plugin.
What xlanguage CAN do:
1 displaying content of specified language based on user's dynamic choice
2 converting content from one character encoding set to another
What xlanguage canNOT do:
1 xlanguage does NOT have the ability of translating content from one language to another one. You have to input contents of various languages by yourself
2 xlanguage does NOT work without adding one line to XOOPS/include/common.php (see guide below)
3 xlanguage does NOT have the ability of converting content from one character encoding to another if none of "iconv", "mb_string" or "xconv" is available.
User Guide
1 auto-detection of visitor's language on his first visitor
2 memorizing users' langauge preferences
3 switching contents of different languges/encoding sets on-fly
4 supporting M-S-M mode for character encoding handler
M-S-M: Multiple encoding input, Single encoding storage, Multiple encoding output.
M-S-M allows one site to fit various users with different language character encoding usages. For example, a site having xlanguage implemented porperly allows users to input content either with GB2312, with BIG5 or UTF-8 encoding and to store the content into DB with specified encoding, for say GB2312, and to display the content either with GB2312, with BIG5 or with UTF-8 encoding.