newbb send this post to a news story button problem

I am using newbb2.0 and when I look at a forum topic at the bottom I have three icon options

1. Send this post to a news story
2. create pdf from post
3. print

I tested out the (send this post to a news story, by clicking on it, it redirected me to a page that said SEND THIS POST TO A NEWS STORY with a submit button. I clicked it. and my SUBMITTED NEWS shows something is waiting, but nothhing shows up?

I would like to know how to fix this if possible so it works, or REMOVE THAT CHOICE in the forums.

Plus..any idea how to fix the Submitted News count..nothing shows up as waiting..so I cant get the counter to fix itself.
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Re: newbb send this post to a news story button problem

First of all, give 'Waiting Contents Ext' a go, as it is much better than the 'Waiting Contents' block that ships with xoops.

I don't use the feature myself, but after taking a look I think the news article is listed as submitted but not approved (shows in Waiting contents ext) but after you click submit it brings up the news article edit screen, from there you can just tick approve and click post. I think the 'create news from post' only displays if the user has permisison to submit news.

Re: newbb send this post to a news story button problem

ADDED NOTE: I rechecked and that specific icon only seems to appear when I am logged in as webmasterit does not show up when I log into my site as a regular member.

However for my still unresolved problem..........

I do use the waiting contents block also. It also shows articles waiting but nothing in them? When I had clicked the submit article item in the forums and then the submit button I was redireced to the article edit section but no information was pre-filled out. I would have assumed the forum post data would have shown up?. Either way..not sure how to correct my submit post counter..or get the (POST THIS AS AN ARTICLE) ICON to GO AWAY

When logged in as Webmaster, and then selecting the icon for send this to a news article.... I understand now that I must enter information..it appears to just be a short cut to posting a news story from a good forum post...

BUT>>> My submitting news counter which goes up does not clear itself up. Even when correctly creating a news story from using the icon link button!! <<< Possibly a small bug?
Helping each other with Knowledge

Re: newbb send this post to a news story button problem

When logged in as Webmaster, and then selecting the icon for send this to a news article.... I understand now that I must enter information..it appears to just be a short cut to posting a news story from a good forum post...

No I think something else is going on there, because when I try it the topic title is copied to the news title, and the topic body is copied to 'The Scoop'.

BUT>>> My submitting news counter which goes up does not clear itself up. Even when correctly creating a news story from using the icon link button!! <<< Possibly a small bug?
Do you see the submitted news when you click here:


Re: newbb send this post to a news story button problem


I did not see the ones that I simply clicked the icon the (send this post as a news story)

which goes to this page


I then click the submit button and it goes to this page


But the from is Blank needing to be filled out like a brand new article.

when they were blank <-- I tested on another and made sure to enter some info in the news submission form it redirected me to and it showed up okay I then approved it, but the counter still did not change!

However, my (submitted news) counter is still not correcting itself when I use the icon (send as news) from the FORUMS section.
If someone knows what field in the sql database to edit, I can do a quick fix that way.
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