"invisible" sublinks in MultiMenu - Is that possible?
  • 2006/1/16 14:58

  • melsen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 97

  • Since: 2003/6/22

I've recently installed MultiMenu to accomplish some greater functionality.. and I've read through the guides includes, but there is still one thing I can't seem to figure out how to do.


Here on our dear XOOPS site, once you click on for example 'Download XOOPS', you will then see 3 new sub-links appear, which is:
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Now, I'd like to accomplish something similar with MultiMenu.. but I seriously can't figure out how to do it, so I was hoping there was a competent kind soul who could provide me with a small guide.

How do I set up the actual links in the MultiMenu, and what settings should I place in the Blocks configuration when displaying that link?
Allan Melsen
[size=x-small]Founder of R.I.A.[/size]

Renegade Insane Asylum

Re: "invisible" sublinks in MultiMenu - Is that possible?

When creating your links you need to select dynamic sublink, to each of the "invisible" sublinks you require. Note that the sublinks must be from the same module as the main link in order to work. for instance, if you are viewing a /modules/news page the all dynamic sublinks with the path /modules/news/... will be displayed.

Re: "invisible" sublinks in MultiMenu - Is that possible?
  • 2006/1/17 8:33

  • melsen

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 97

  • Since: 2003/6/22

... I still don't understand...

How do I make the first link and those below it?
Allan Melsen
[size=x-small]Founder of R.I.A.[/size]

Renegade Insane Asylum

Re: "invisible" sublinks in MultiMenu - Is that possible?


So enable the menu blocks you want in the block admin (you can have up to 8 blocks, but start with 'multiMenu 01' to get going)

Then in multi menu admin, select 'New link' and fill in the details, under 'Type' select 'Mainlink' (for a main link) or 'Dynamic sublink' (for a link that disappears, as explained above)


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