Can XOOPS do the following three things
  • 2006/1/10 4:56

  • codyheit

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/1/10

Hi Everyone

I'm currently looking for some groupware software and would like to know if XOOPs can do the following three things:

News Manager with the ability to create news for different users. So that I can create news but certain users will not see it but then the other users can. Also with the ability to allow a few users to create news and also edit it in their news area.

Document Manager with the ability to only allow certain people to edit and view different folders in the document manager.

Different home page for different Users which can be customised to display different things.

If these are possible are they in the default install if not then what modules are they and where do I get them from?


Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things
  • 2006/1/10 9:08

  • luciano

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 261

  • Since: 2003/11/3

News: yes
Document Manager: yes
Custom homepage: hmmm... yes

Have a look in the Module repository, the custom homepage thing could be a bit tricky. JMorris posted something nice last month (year ).

Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things

Hi codyheit,

Welcome to xoops!

Most modules for XOOPS will allow you to specify differnt permissions for differnt groups, so only users of a certain group will see that news etc.

For a custom home page, you can make blocks (a small frame with content) with static content and apply permissions so that only the right group can see that block, and also with things like the 'news block', a user will only see the news in that block that they have access to.

Happy xoopsing

Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things
  • 2006/1/10 9:40

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

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A custom block like this could be set up for anonymous users to see a message, that would change when they signed in.

On one of my own it has a "please register to access download and forum areas" - when logged in, this is replaced with a "thanks for visiting the site - please contribute" type message.

Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things
  • 2006/1/10 13:15

  • codyheit

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/1/10

Thanks everyone for answering my question.

When I log into a standard install of XOOPS I can all ways allow different options for different users but I have the following problem:

Basically I can see where you can select if a user has access to change say the news section but what I want to do is have different news section for different departments at work and is also why I was asking about different home pages.

Is this possible? If so what modules would I need to do it in the following areas?

File/Document Manager
Different home pages

Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things

With the News module (latest version is 1.44) you can specify in the module different permissions for different news categories, for both submission and viewing. So you could have Dept 1 editors, Dept 1 viewers, Dept 2 editors, dept 2 viewers etc. This is set from the permissions tab in the News module.

Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things
  • 2006/1/10 13:47

  • codyheit

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/1/10

Thanks but I only have version 1.1

Where do I get the latest version from and how do I go about updating it?

Re: Can XOOPS do the following three things
  • 2006/1/10 23:45

  • codyheit

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 150

  • Since: 2006/1/10

Have figured that out and now just have to play with the settings.

For the document/file storage/management is the best module for what I would like to do:


If so do I install it basically the same way as proforming upgrades.


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