For some reason I can't figure out why ExtendedProfiles field is not showing in Lithuanian even though I have translated all constants in xoopscore and extendedprofiles.
If you go to this registration page: you'll notice that the only line in English NotificationMethod:
RegisterPageThe same thing happens for other additional ExtendedProfiles fields that have drop down boxes.
When I search for a phrase: "Temporarily Disable" this phrase is found only in cache:
a:6:{s:5:"value";s:109:"a:3:{i:0;s:19:"Temporarily Disable"
language/english/notification.php:define ('_NOT_METHOD_DISABLE', 'Temporarily Disable');
Have tried to clear cache and templates_c. When cache is regenerated everyt time I get the same entries.
Xoops 2.2.2
No php errors or errors generated at all.