Teamspeak issues
  • 2005/10/4 6:09

  • 1dell777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/10/4

Greetings everyone. I really need help with this module. I am a amateur at this stuff and the instructions to this module make no sense to me. I don't know anything about point to my database. What does that mean? I am getting an error "unable to connect to database. How do I get this thing to connect to my database and what is my database? I was thinking MySQL and I created a database just for teamspeak then typed the name of the database in between the quotes in the config.php file. But that didn't work. Should I type in the location minus the root?

I have no idea what I am doing but I can't wait to get this thing working.

What is this talking about when it says my I.P. number. Why does it need my I.P.? Am I supposed to be running this off of my computer? I am just so confused.

Thanks to anyone who can help.

Re: Teamspeak issues
  • 2005/10/5 16:40

  • 1dell777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/10/4

46 times this post has been read and no one knows how to do this?

Re: Teamspeak issues

I have never used Teamspeak before is this a module? Still I would assume that this is somehow related to the database.

If this is a module:

First of all when you installed XOOPS you had to give some info about MySQL database. Look in {xoopsroot}/mainfile.php and get that info if you don't remember.

Now, I assume you had to create a database for Teamspeak (if this is a case) if you created then try getting info about teamspeak database. Most of the time 'localhost' for database location works fine.

In order to give you some info we have to get more info from you. "Help i can't instal this blah blah blah" is not enough.

XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version:
PHP Version:
MySQL Version:
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other):
Operating System:
Theme you are using:
PHP Debug Messages:
MySQL Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Messages:
A full description of the issue:


Re: Teamspeak issues

Ok, first of all, please visit http://www.tswn.com for the xoops_teamspeak module troubleshooting. And second of all, are you installing the xoops_teamspeak module? This module only works with Xoops, it is not a stand alone piece of software. If you have questions about this module, please visit the site above.

Re: Teamspeak issues


Please read XOOPSiquette about use of images in your signatures. I'm on broadband connection and it took quite a while to display the page because it was checking on the image.

Imagine what it does for slow connections.


Re: Teamspeak issues

Sorry bout that......

Re: Teamspeak issues


No problem at all m8! I know it looks cool I was thinking about the same thing myself till started reading XoopsIquette myself. I just wanted to let you know page took about 10 seconds to load with your picture in it on 8Mbit/down network


Re: Teamspeak issues
  • 2005/10/12 6:38

  • Will_H

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1786

  • Since: 2004/10/10

I believe you are looking for a standalone ts server. to do this you will need shell access. Depending on who your server is hosted by; i.e. you may not be able to do this. I tell ya what i'll pm ya :)

-terribly sorry it took me so long to reply to this post, hope the pm helps :) feel free to ask again if ya need it. best of luck!


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