Re: Liaise intro text not showing [fixed]
  • 2005/7/25 13:22

  • intosia

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2005/7/23


bluenova wrote:

If you goto:
It will get the form intro text from the form settings

that _should_ be the case but it didnt... :P But now it works, just made two forms :S Silly bug,,
Asian Chicks for Life! ^^

Re: Liaise intro text not showing [fixed]
  • 2005/7/25 14:04

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

Thx for pointing out that he bug is still present in the later release, I was about to ask.

I hope there will be a fix for this. I don't need two forms. When visitors click on 'Enquiries' in the menu (renamed Liaise module) I want them to go straight to the enquiry form.
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.

Re: Liaise intro text not showing [fixed]

I still think this is quite strange, I have a site with the latest version of Liaise, with only one contact form, and as long as the link goes directly to the form /liaise/?form_id=2 and not just /liaise/ then it displays perfectly, with the form intro.

Re: Liaise intro text not showing [fixed]
  • 2005/7/25 15:02

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

But that would only work if you manually add a URL in a link on a page somewhere. If you just press the menu button to go the 'forms' section, it won't display the form's intro text, or the 'Intro Text in main Page' (from the prefs) if you only have one form.

That has to be a bug?
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.

Re: Liaise intro text not showing [fixed]

Yea, On the main screen it should show this intro text from the module prefs and a list of the forms. But if you only have one form, then it would only display that form and doesn't show the forms intro text, you are right.

I'm too used to using multimenu and directly linking to what I want, don't think I have any sites that use the XOOPS main menu


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