Uservisit error when viewing details

I've just installed uservisit 2.1

On the main page it nicely displays the users, the visits and the page counts, but if I go into view details for a user it says, 'There is no visits recorded in the Data Base at the moment'

If I check the database, all the information is there, it's just not calling it back. If I run php-debug I get the following errors:

Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 44
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 93
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 117
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 121
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 137
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 142
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: vm in file modules/uservisit/admin/user-visit.php line 162

Can anybody help

Re: Uservisit error when viewing details
  • 2005/4/13 12:19

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

For some reasons, this module works only if set online. That is, it doesn't work on a local installation.

On a side note, I suggest you to download uservisit 2.2. There are some bugs corrections in there.

Re: Uservisit error when viewing details

Thanks for the heads up on a new version. I am running it online on my host and not on a local install. I'll give the new version a go and post the results here.


Re: Uservisit error when viewing details

It seems I did install 2.2 sorry, I was looking at: Uservisit 2.1 is an original creation of Pascal Le Boustouller

So I'm running version 2.2 on a live host and still have these php errors, when calling the data. Just to remind, the data is being recorded in the database with no problems, it's just calling the data back to the user-visit page

On a side-note, I've just started using multimenu 1.7, thanks for releasing such a great module

Re: Uservisit error when viewing details

Problem solved:

My host has register globals on, I set it to off using .htaccess in order to keep the protector module happy, by adding to .htaccess:
php_flag register_globals off

I can now see the info by deleting that line, don't understand why it should effect it, would love to know if any techy people could tell me why this happens?

Re: Uservisit error when viewing details
  • 2005/7/1 17:32

  • dasdan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2005/1/22

I've installed the module 2.1 today,
and had the same error,

visits were recorded in the DB, and shown on the admin frontpage, but when you want to vieuw details about a specific user, you get '0 entries for user'

so I started debugging:

I've noticed the line 44:
$visit= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("visit_user")." WHERE visitname = '$vm' ORDER BY temps");

when I echo this line I see the $vm was not filled with the username.

The cause of the problem is that "register_globals=off" in my php.ini for my webserver.

so I've added this line before the sql query (line 42)

$vm = $HTTP_GET_VARS['vm'];

I've also replaced several "mysql_NumRows" functions with the standard "mysql_num_rows".
Tip do a find and replace.

This should do it

good luck,
while posting this hack I've noticed version 2.2, which I'm going to try now :)

the updated files you can find here

Re: Uservisit error when viewing details
  • 2005/7/1 18:11

  • dasdan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2005/1/22

also version 2.2 has the same problem with the $vm variable

add this on line 42


$vm = $HTTP_GET_VARS['vm'];

Re: Uservisit error when deleting visit details
  • 2005/7/19 19:33

  • dasdan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2005/1/22

another bug-fix version 2.3

problem when passing HTTP_GET_VARS when register_globals is off in your php.ini

updated source

I'm sure the arma-team will release an updated version soon

Kind Regards,

Kevin Wood


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