data base help!
  • 2005/5/25 18:12

  • philkaos

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/5/24

Database URL :
Enter the location of the Database URL. This field is usually blank. If it is used, the Database URL is supplied by the local host.

Database Name :
Enter the Database Name supplied by the client.

Table Name :
Enter the Table Name supplied by the client.

Database Username :
Enter the Database Username that of the database you wish to access.

Database Password :
Enter the Database Password supplied by the client.

Username Field Name :
Enter the Username Field Name in the database, supplied by the client.

Password Field Name :
Enter the Password Field Name in the database, supplied by the client.

Does anyone know the information here?
I need help!!!

Re: data base help!
  • 2005/5/25 18:21

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

read the FAQ section on installation.

or view the installation guide.. you can find them in the left column on this site.

Re: data base help!
  • 2005/5/25 20:13

  • philkaos

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/5/24

I searched for the info. Call me dumbfounded if you will. I didnt seem to find the info i was looking for I searched threw it. if anyone knows the actual paths i would be greatful. I am trying to meet a deadline and if i cant figure this system out i will have to scrap it and head back to the drawing board. and that would sux

Re: data base help!

What part of the install are you having trouble with? It is impossible for others to know the exact details to type in but many of the defaults will work. It wouldn't be very secure if other people could guess the details.

It might help us a little to know what you are running this on. Is it a hosted server or one of your own? What OS, webserver version, PHP version, MySQL version and location, XOOPS version, etc.

Basically you will need to know the physical path of where you installed the files (detected defaults usually work here), your database name (you need to create the database if the hosting provider didn't provide you with one already), and the database login info.

Re: data base help!
  • 2005/5/25 21:15

  • philkaos

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/5/24

well basically here is the deal
I am setting up a customers website to accept online payments from there newly registered members w/ reaccuring billing options.
To properly do this i have to have this information.
I have my own resellers hosting CO. i use the newest php and my sql.

And i have fantastico to auto install everything. all i have to do is tell it the admin name and pass it does the rest for me. then i go in and change codes, pictures, css, ext.
Well the company i am contracting the billing part to will install it all for me. but they need this info so they can put a java script on the sites log in to use the billing system and the script will auto give them a password to the site. So the real conflict now that i have to figure out is that forum on my first post that is the email they sent to me to fill in. i got everything but the location of the username and password table. If i can locate the file for the codes of this table then i think that will solve the last prob.
Dear Client,

You are still missing the table information for the usernames and passwords. It seems to be correct I will just put it into a script and see if it works but I will need the table information

Re: data base help!

If I can further decypher your request, you have your own server hosting site but don't know the database details? Or just need to know the table and field names where the user details are?

The table with the passwords is <your prefix>_users (xoops_users ?) and the user password field is "pass". The user id field is "uid", the name field is "uname". Pretty basic stuff.

The other details should already be known if you've installed xoops.

I myself wouldn't use a Fantistico install but if you don't have a clue it is the easy way. You can then use the db admin tool (phpMyadmin?) app on your control panel (cPanel?) to look into the database for more details. Normally you don't need to know the nitty gritty.

Re: data base help!
  • 2005/5/25 21:51

  • philkaos

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2005/5/24

i guess i do need the nitty gritty.
See the issue is this. they have to be able to put the script in ( there co. policy ) I have to tell them where to go on my files to put it in. ie.http://www.mysite.com/members/???? the ???? being where the XOOPS system stores the user names & Passwords. I looked left and right all threw the files. The best i can come up with is that the file users.php is a non - editable page. that is were it seems to always aim me when searching out the information on my members of the site. I can easily change there info and pass on the admin menu side. But i need to find the hard code to change so that this billing company can control the UID & UPW for me. So this way they can monitor and control ie. access to the site, how long, and where on the site they can visit with there given membership. If needed i can send A developer of the XOOPS the email core that i have been going threw with this company. This way you can better understand what i am after. My email is webmaster@philkaosdesigns.com


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