Yes brash, this is after a fresh install, not an upgrade. Enabling MySQl Debug, or any debug mode, it's the same: no fatal errors or notice about News it's reported. Don't know if it's connected but previously I was testing modules and I installed simultaneously News 1.1 with Newscategory module (that upgraded News to 1.2), Altern8news and News2 module. But then, I couldn't sumbmit any post from any of them, News include. And I couldn't actualize the date of any old post, 'cause I clicked on the cell and saved, but it didn't take it.
Now, with News 1.3, I clicked on the "all" topics's cell in the permissions area and it didn't take it in the same way. But maybe that it don't works because there are shown no topics that I created in the topics area. Do you understand me?
I am afraid that I have to reinstall the whole XOOPS again... Any other idea?