turning the news module into a messageboard?
  • 2005/4/20 10:02

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

I think this might be possible! why you might ask? well i'm not a super php coder but i can see that with some template adaptation and theme layout changes you might be able to convert the news module into a message board type format seen in such top community sites such as:
http://www.b3ta.com/board/ and http://www.4rthur.com/board/

Now i'm not spamming these sites but they are two examples of sites that do this type of message board.

The only thing i think might be hard is to make the replies to messages (news items in XOOPS news) allways appear after the message (news item) and for it to be flat and threaded.

is this possible or am i just dreaming.
This would make a great module hack if it was (and if the last bit is possible then i'm guna try to do it)

Re: turning the news module into a messageboard?

Re: turning the news module into a messageboard?
  • 2005/4/20 10:19

  • hal9000

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 60

  • Since: 2003/8/6 9

hmmm good point - i have a blog (weblog) module installed on my site but it doesn't seem as obvious a route to get the message board layout as modding the news module.

Re: turning the news module into a messageboard?

Have you tryed any of the others? I think wordpress would give the desired effect, but I havn't really tryd out the blogs as I have no sites which need the feature.


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