Been playing with this version:
$modversion['name'] = 'Real Estate Listings Engine 2.1 w/Virtual Tour';
$modversion['version'] = 2.1;
$modversion['description'] = 'Complete Real Estate Listings Engine with Virtual Tours. Read the Read me for more information.';
$modversion['credits'] = 'E-xoops Conversion: DJ Downey
(Original version: Jon Roig & Ryan Bonham)';
$modversion['author'] = 'DJ Downey
http://www.liquidgfx.com Jon Roig
http://www.jonroig.comRyan Bonham
Sets up the database fine but requires another login, and static user levels within the mod... Was wondering how hard it would be to hack it so that XOOPS served as the authorizer, and so that open realty would allow user levels as associated by XOOPS user management?
I could easily control where the pages went and allow customers to input listings, allow me to review them then activate the listing after accuracy and listing agreements are signed.
I can email the mod to anyone who might like a copy or would be interested in integrating it more fully?
Liquidfx is apparently gone.