Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/16 10:50

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

When a registered user posts comments, forumtopics/-replies etc. his/her name is shown in front of it. But when this registered user isn't registered anymore al his/hers posts, comments, replies et. is getting the name of anonymous or guest.
Is there a way to keep this formally registered username visible (intact) but without being registered anymore?

Hope my question is understandable,

Grtz., Shine

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/17 10:01

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

^polite bump ^

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/31 16:44

  • olympeus

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^ bump, i'm having this problem too, does anyone know some solution to this?

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/31 19:09

  • mactoeknee

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  • Since: 2005/2/26


Is there a way to keep this formally registered username visible (intact) but without being registered anymore?

I am rather new to Xoops, but I guess I figured out what I would do-- go into edit user, edit that person to remove their e-mail address (or alter it to be unuseable) and change their password so they cannot login. For all intents and purposes, they are gone, but their usernames will remain on posts.

Another more complicated way which would probably work would be to create a new group in the Groups admin called "outcasts" or something like that, and change it that group has access to no modules of any importance, then assign those users to only that group (remove them from "registered users"). Haven't tried this, but I imagine their user data will remain in the database this way.

Good luck, please report back.

Mac T

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/31 20:01

  • Hisoka

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I think this is all you can do but for now, maybe later XOOPS will surprised us :)

The last method is used to "ban" users from your site, you have to create one group with no right.


Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/31 21:44

  • treefrog

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From the question, I don't think these resolutions necessarily apply.

I'm thinking the question is pertaining to someone who deletes their own account, in which case that user's posts turn to reflect an anonymous user, rather than the identity they had as a registered user.

Which I, personally, would also like to know how to avoid (since it also happened on my site).

I want a user to feel that they can control their own account by allowing themselves to delete themselves as a user, but I wish XOOPS would maintain that user's name as the author, even though they may no longer be a registered user.

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.

sounds like the best way to accomplish this is to modify the code that deletes a user account (user.php starting with the line "if ($op == 'delete') {") to perform one of the actions listed in an earlier response.

The side affect of this however is if a user deletes their account, their username is still reserved, preventing other users from registering with it.

A more robust way of solving this problem (sorry tech babble ahead) might be to copy the deleted accounts into a different table, say users_deleted, before removing them. Then the user handler would have to be modified to check this table if the record did not exist in the users table.

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/31 22:22

  • artigas

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Greetings -

When a user first registers he is not active until he verifies himself by answering the email.

Have the delete button change him back to unverified.

He has succeeded in 'deleting' himself. He no longer shows up on the member list. And he still exists.

This is a sugestion since I do not know if that will work. So if you give it a try, please let us know either way.

Thanks In Advance.

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/3/31 23:29

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

When a user first registers he is not active until he verifies himself by answering the email.

Nope not always, there is also an option that the webmaster has tot verify and activate his/hers registration. And this is gonna be my setting.

Have the delete button change him back to unverified.
He has succeeded in 'deleting' himself. He no longer shows up on the member list. And he still exists.

Within the admin preferences you can set the option: not allow registered users delete their own account. And this also is gonna be my setting. Only I, the admin can delete registered accounts. Which in this case, will not solve the change of names after deletion of an account. (Jacob -> Anonymous)
Apart from the admin pref. setting,....you can ask yourself how many users will actually delete their own account.

My question references to all the different admin preference settings.
Regardless what setting: How to keep the original -author- name visible although the person isn't a registered user anymore.

(hm,.the Ackbarr sql solution,....oh please,.....I am a nOOb, this is way upon my programm/sql -skill- knowledge)
Isn't there really any other simplier solution?

Grtz., Shine

Re: Keep formally registered username intact without being registered anymore.
  • 2005/4/1 0:01

  • artigas

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 208

  • Since: 2004/12/21

Greetings -

I also do not let anyone delete themselves, but I am not going to ever delete them. And as it has been mentioned, that will not let anyone register themselves with the same name. For me that is not a problem.

The only other option that I can think off is to add a third status to the user record (inactive, active, deleted).

So when you delete the record it still exists but the status gets changed to 'deleted'. That will also allow bringing back someone from the deleted state.

This would mean some changes in the user list and searches and maybe a couple of new admin functions.

Hope you find an answer.


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