hello Wonder.
looking at your site, you have not given the "anonymous" user group permission to access the Forum part of your site.
go to the Administration Menu,
go to System Admin,
go to Groups,
go to Modify, anonymous users
once you're there, give those anonymous users permission to access the NewBB (Forum) module.
you *also* need to set the cache time to 0 -- both of these together are what solved the problem for me.
if you don't want to give anonymous users read-only permissions to view your Forums, the RSS feed is a security hole because it will let people read your forums without actually entering them. so, although it is ugly, it's actually a Good Thing that RSS doesn't work if you haven't given people permission to look at your Forums area.
it might be a nice enhancement to code a little error trap that is a little bit of an explanation -- something like "RSS is disabled - to enable RSS, contact system administrator and ask that anonymous users be given access to NewBB" or some such.