db encoding
  • 2005/3/24 13:15

  • josez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2005/2/11

hi. i have transferred my site from one hoster to another. the old DB uses encoding cp1250, but the new sql-server uses utf-8 by default so the texts from db now look wired.
i think, that problem is, that when XOOPS connects to db and asks for char-encoding the db says: utf8 and XOOPS uses utf8. is there a way to force XOOPS to use cp-1250 when connecting to DB?

..i'm not a php or MySQL expert, so maybe i am not right...

thanx in advance for your help.

Re: db encoding

I just had a look at the php MySQL documentation and it doesn't look like you can control the character set from PHP's side.

On the MySQL side it looks like you CAN send a query to the database telling it you will be communicating in character set x:


You will need to confirm that the desired character set is available on the server by running this query (in phpmyadmin or some other MySQL console program)

If it is, you can try to set the character set immediately after the db connection has been initialized, in /includes/common.php:
$xoopsDB =& XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();

$xoopsDB->query('SET CHARACTER SET ');

Re: db encoding
  • 2005/3/24 16:26

  • josez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 19

  • Since: 2005/2/11

that didn§t work :(
when i try show character set i get the list and cp1250 is there. i tried to put also these commands to common.php right after the DB connection:
$xoopsDB =& XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
$xoopsDB->query('SET CHARACTER SET cp1250;'); 
$xoopsDB->query('SET character_set_client=cp1250;');
$xoopsDB->query('SET character_set_connection=cp1250;');
$xoopsDB->query('SET character_set_results=cp1250;');

on my site in language file global.php i have set character set to windows-1250.
when i post to forum, with characters like ľščťžýá (slovak) i get question marks and stupid characters in the post. but when i switch XOOPS to language, which uses utf8 encoding - everything works OK. but i would like to use cp1250, since my XOOPS translation is in this encoding and also the old database...

Re: db encoding
  • 2005/3/24 19:12

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

why not just alter the db character set?



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