koivi it's great i've been looking for an editor that it works in firefox, i would like to implement it, but i have no idea of php, maybe u could explain me a bit more the documentation????
i understood that it is for setting koivi as default editor.....Is that means it gets implement it straight away in all XOOPS form in all modules?
XoopsXKEditor in your XoopsForm
1. Copy the wysiwyg folder inside class folder //---Ok done
2. Include the class in your php file
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php"; //---where? can u tell the path folder and file?
3. Create the editor object
$wysiwyg_text_area= new XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea( _MD_CONTENTC, 'content', $content , '100%', '400px',$options); //---again where?
4. Add the editor to your form
$sform->addElement( $wysiwyg_text_area ); //---agai where?
Sorry for my completely ignorance
thanks, very apreciate