How to create a news block with only single category
  • 2005/2/27 2:14

  • cpyu99

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/2/27

I am newbie of Xoops. I am looking for a way to create a block showing news in its category. Show all catergory are ok, as long as the news in categorized block by block. Similiar in Xoops

Anyone knows, please teach me. Thanks you in advance

Re: How to create a news block with only single category


You can have a look at the mylinks module as an example on how how to create your own php block and the associated template. In xoops_version.php in the module you would like the block to be added, also add this file and template after you created them.

So basically you create 2 new files (one template file in the template blocks directory of that module and one php block file in the normal blocks directory of that module). Afterwards update the xoops_version.php for that module and upload all files. You will need to update the module in the modules admin section to make it work and then grant access to the new block for the desired groups (also in the admin section).

It is not so easy to start with if you do know much about the XOOPS structure yet, so I recommend to browse though the documentation available on this site.

Good luck,



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