'Edit template file' page missing buttons?

On the 'Edit Template File' page, where it shows you the code for a template file after clicking 'edit' on the View Blocks page... I'm feelin' kinda dumb here, but... how the heck do I save my changes? I see a 'View' button, and that's it... no save, no submit... I've played around a bit with things but have not yet been successful.

I've also tried going through the site and found multiple versions of the file (in this case it is myalbum_block_topnews_p.html), modifed all versions of it, and have seen no changes.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Re: 'Edit template file' page missing buttons?

the default template set can only be viewed, to modify, you'll need to clone the default template set (System -> Templates) then modify the cloned version of your templates.


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