Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??

Hi, newbie XOOPS user here, just starting on the task of creating my own theme to get all the colours etc to how i want them, and im wondering the importance of the 3 style sheets? I only have a basic knowledge of css, do i need to create 3 different style sheets? can I get by with just style.css?



Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??
  • 2005/1/14 16:03

  • sgshell

  • Just popping in

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is for IE, MAC, and Mozilla compatible browser... you may just create one that appeal to your visitors....but remember the site look difference in difference browser...

Try install firefox to view the difference....

Note..xoops is smart enough to chose the css style base on the visitors browers...it depend on the themes you use..

Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??
  • 2005/1/14 16:06

  • tedsmith

  • Home away from home

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I wondered that myself when I first got Xoops. The styleNN.css is generally aimed Netscape Navigator type browsers.

You can get by with just style.css if you want to eliminate everyone who does not use Internet Explorer from seeing your changes. With the exploding use FireFox this would be a bad move. Basically, if you make a change to one, best to change the other two aswell, and then check them in the appropriate browser to see how they look.

Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??

got ya! I allready use firefox, and totaly love it!

and thanks for the fast response :)


Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??

There any specific examples of differences between the way IE and NN/MAC etc handle css? Spent the best part of 2 days now designing my theme and to me it looks just right in both IE and mozilla? (and it passes the wc3 css validator check :) )



Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??
  • 2005/1/19 12:10

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

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this page has a nice collection of the bugs on how IE renders wrong, including solutions on how to fix it


Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??
  • 2005/2/12 3:53

  • netsmurf

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

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Do each of the three CSS files need to be created individually?

Or are there some tools around that will generate the MAC/NN stylesheets from the base CSS file?

Re: Difference between style/styleMAC/styleNN ??

The links provided should give a good introduction.

But the concept is that you make all your desired configs in style.css. Then the first line of styleNN.css and styleMAC.css is:
@import url(style.css);

This pulls in style.css. Anything you add after that line will override settings with the same name from style.css. So you now only put in lines that should be different for a Nav or Mac browser. Often you don't need any additional lines and the @import url(style.css); is enough.

An example of a styleNN.css file might be:

@import url(style.css);
table#head_table{height: 108px;}

This makes styleNN.css exactly the same as style.css except that table#head_table has a slightly different height value than what style.css had.


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