Re:EBay Module (beta) for Xoops

great idea - but to be honest I'm scared off by the Ebay Developer Agreement that you have to fill out before they let you see documentation for their API. If I read it correctly, the developer will be charged by how many requests are made to ebay's API. They do have a free license - but it is limited to 50 requests per day. A busy site could run through those requests in a matter of minutes. Also the individual license does not give you the ability to distribute your code, you have to pay them to do so. Their whole developer agreement seems to be structured for people who want to SELL an application using ebay services, not give one away.

I guess you could resort to making ebay page requests and parsing out the necessary information, but it would be thorny legal ground, and would break whenever the html structure changed.

IMO Ebay + GPL doesn't mix.

Re:EBay Module (beta) for Xoops

Man thats expensive. I see what you mean big time. Ebay makes enough money selling the worlds crap. You would think they would help devs so they --> eBay... could sell more. In the end they still make money on the product!

Re:EBay Module (beta) for Xoops
  • 2004/12/5 5:16

  • bigbrofan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 22

  • Since: 2004/11/25

I downloaded myEbay and installed it... it works OKAY... there seems to be a bit of a problem in where the description versus the high bidder are displayed...

I think I found this module over at the site where I got wf-downloads.

Re: EBay Module (beta) for Xoops
  • 2005/1/24 0:46


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 121

  • Since: 2003/10/18

uhh, bump

Ok, been a while since last post here. Had alot happen, a fire and a couple hurricanes.

Here is what i have, it not a full template driven module, but it works.

It works from the Ebay Editor Kit so you must obey thier rules, like no ebay pages in a frame....yadda yadda.

It is a small addon to display your Ebay Auctions in your XOOPS Site.

Currently you must edit the modules/ourauctions/index.php manually.
Go to http://affiliates.ebay.com/tools/editor-kit/ , click "get Editor Kit" and customize your script. Copy the the script and paste in the modules/ourauctions/index.php.

This comes with one Block that you must manually edit to display your Auctions (modules/ourauctions/blocks/ourauctions.php) .

Upload to modules folder and activate.

You do not have to be an affiliate with Be Free or Comission Junction to use the module. When making your script above just put 'not an affiliate' in the provider box.

View module in use http://archangelartifacts.com/modules/ourauctions/
View the block @ http://archangelartifacts.com .

When you are making your script, you CAN place whatever kind of search results you want.

A Free No Registration Download at http://archangelartifacts.com.

Coming soon to a XOOPS Site near you.

Re: EBay Module (beta) for Xoops

what about having multiple pages and categories, so that affiliates can list other peoples auctions for different keyword searches and basically create a full auction section on their site?

Re: EBay Module (beta) for Xoops

Is there a way to show ebay store inventory on my website?


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