Re:image problems

Thanks for that...never one to give up on learning the code...this is what i have now

Welcome to Jen's Classroom!

The first graphic appears as a crossed box and something is missing from the code because it doesn't appear at all. Site url is http://www.jensclassroom.com

so I tried again

Welcome to Jen's Classroom!

so where might the problem be now?

Please be patient with me I will get there!

Re:image problems
  • 2004/11/10 12:06

  • jlm69

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 719

  • Since: 2002/7/19

If you are using html then you need to take out the'[' brackets, and the [/img] tags

to make it xhtml compliant you would add an alt tag like this:

also don't need the public_html part. that is included in <{X_SITEURL}>

plus you are taking the '>' that should at the end of <{X_SITEURL}, like this <{X_SITEURL}> not at the end of the string.

If it is xoopscode then you have to much html.

It looks like you are using both, not sure but I don't think you can mix the two.

Hope that helps


Re:image problems


jlm69 wrote:
If you are using html then you need to take out the'[' brackets, and the [/img] tags

to make it xhtml compliant you would add an alt tag like this:

also don't need the public_html part. that is included in <{X_SITEURL}>

John - this is a wonderful string of code for a beginner who knows next to nothing about the coding - thankyou!
plus you are taking the '>' that should at the end of <{X_SITEURL}, like this <{X_SITEURL}> not at the end of the string.
[quote]ah ha!
If it is xoopscode then you have to much html.
I have no idea what code it is...using ace html and creating the document and saving it as 'all files' ...son't know that zoops code fits the pitcure but the x_siteurl bit is a tip on the edit block page so I decided to use it...so yes the codes are definately mixed up!
It looks like you are using both, not sure but I don't think you can mix the two.

Hope that helps


John I am not sure just how much I have mixed them up - but I tried your code solution and would you believe it..I still have no images showing. I am beginning to think now it is related to another problem - my modules don't show either in module admin...xoops is possibly not retrieving info correctly - so I am going to take this now to a new question. In the mean time - can you spot any other errors in this code? If there is noth9ng obvious then the problem is elsewhere.


Welcome to Jen's Classroom!

Wow what a project this is going to be! I am a school teacher and a decorative art teacher and have a great interest in the potential for E-learning and flexible learning environments.
I hope this classroom will have something to offer a range of audiences - specifically the Folk and Decorative Artist, my current school stuents and secondary school teachers. There will eventually be lots here from an interactive Moodle site for students to tutorials for decorative painters and a shopping mall with my patterns available for download.
Of course this won't all happen at once but you get the picture. Creative Learning is about having a go at something totally new and outside your square and thats what I am about to do.
Please register to enjoy the full benefits of this site. Have fun!

Re:image problems
  • 2004/11/10 20:25

  • JasonMR

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 655

  • Since: 2004/6/21

I fear those L plates are going to stay for quite a while.....

(1) use 'quote' for quoting other people, not yourself! A quote starts with [ quote ] and ends with [ / quote ] (space for display only)

What you have written is hard to follow with all those boxes...

(2) are you creating an html page or a block? I guess an HTML page. Now we are talking introducing php code.....how about, we first firgure out how to get blocks working.

=> go into sys admin -> blocks
=> create a new block, using the form at the bottom of the page
=> choose setting (appear on top page, weight,etc..)
=> enter the following code into textarea box:

<img src="<{X_SITEURL}>images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg alt="" />

text-align:center;">Welcome to Jen's Classroom!

<{X_SITEURL}>images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg alt="" />

br /><br />

hr size="3" color="ff9900" />
br /><br />

p style="color:#990099; font-size:1.0em; font-weight:bold;">Wow what a project this is going to beI am a school teacher and a decorative art teacher and have a great interest in the potential for E-learning and flexible learning environments
br />
I hope this classroom will have something to offer a range of audiences specifically the Folk and Decorative Artistmy current school stuents and secondary school teachersThere will eventually be lots here from an interactive Moodle site for students to tutorials for decorative painters and a shopping mall with my patterns available for download
br />
Of course this won't all happen at once but you get the picture. Creative Learning is about having a go at something totally new and outside your square and thats what I am about to do. 

Please register to enjoy the full benefits of this site. Have fun!

...take a look at the img-tag, especially around the alt attribute!
I cleaned the code up a little, so that I could find my way around. All those heading tags were unneccessary, and suggest you are using a WYSIWYG editor, to create your HTML pages. If you want to learn HTML, using a WYSIWYG editor is a bad idea. Try something like Chami's HTML kit (free, if you use it privat - there are many more, I just picked one for your convenience).

For beginners in HTML/CSS/PHP, there are some introductory tutorials over at http://www.w3schools.com/, so if you want to study....

Re:image problems

My many serious and humblest apologies to you who are reading that awful boxed up quote! That'll teach me for not checking on what I posted...where's the dunces corner??? (I was running late for work - is that a good enough excuse?)

Enough said..Jason you are a gentleman for not yelling at me for this - Gold medal in patience is awarded to you.

Re:image problems

problem is resolved

Thanks to a kindly and patient soul in JasonMR my problem is resloved - an important lesson for all newbies...we need to take the time to learn the correct code for inserting images:

This was the solution
Jen's right pic

img src - says an image is to go here
{X_SITEURL} means your site's public html folder
images/webgraphics/taustralia.jpg - is the rest of the path to where the image is to be found. (.jpg is the file type of the image)
alt: is the alternative text to appear if the image does not
Style is a rule about where it should go and how big it should be
all "" are as essential as full stops and capital letters in written european languages
< and > are essential as section markers stating this is the start and the finish of the section of code.

Hope this can help other newbies!


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