Re: Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/14 18:41

  • hervet

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bbgds wrote:
We also need to be able to post news across multiple categories.

Inside the News module you can use as many topics as you want, why dont you use them instead of cloning the module ?


Re: Are multiple news modules possible?

Herve -

We also need to be able to post news across multiple categories.

Can 1 news article be listed in multiple categories simultaneously in the new version? Because that is what I think the original poster is looking for. I have seen this feature in Wordpress, but alas, I haven't dug into the new news module yet.

Re: Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/14 18:54

  • hervet

  • Friend of XOOPS

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ackbarr wrote:
Herve -

Can 1 news article be listed in multiple categories simultaneously in the new version?

Ah ok.
No sorry.


Because that is what I think the original poster is looking for.

So I've made a mistake.
The only way to do it is to post your news each time in each topic.


I have seen this feature in Wordpress, but alas, I haven't dug into the new news module yet.

I don't find it very usefull but if it can help, why not...


Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/15 19:43

  • bbgds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2004/7/23

The news module used on this site is news 1.2.1 which is considered the latest stable release. It's available on the dev.xoops.org site.

It is not cloneable by default, there are many changes you have to make to acheive that, but it is doable.

Steps to take for each copy of news.
1.Change the name of the news folder, give it a unique name (lower case letters). i.e. example_news
2.Open xoops_version.php, change modversion['dirname'] = "example news";
3.In xoops_version.php, change the name of the sql tables to make them unique modversion['tables'][0]="example_stories"
4.Change the table names in sql/mysql.sql to the name you chose in xoops_version.php
5.Find all references to the tables in the news php files and change them to your new table names. Normally that looks something like xoopsDB->prefix("topics") or db->prefix("stories") etc.
6.Find all hard-coded url's using modules/news/ and change them to your new directory name... modules/example_news

There's 69 changes that need to be made for points 5 and 6 that I've found.

I also needed several versions of the news module. It's easier for the next copies because you can just search on your new name (e.g. example_) and change that.

Good luck!



This is very helpful. I'll give it a try (If I ever get approval to go ahead.)

Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/15 19:48

  • bbgds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2004/7/23

To all....

The reason why I think we need to clone is because we still want to be able to display recent news (like the recent news block) for each category seperately on our Front Page.

We also want to have a seperate page for each category listed in the main menu, or at least in a block like the main menu.

I don't know that I can get approval to too radically change the structure of our content.

The news 1.21 feature being able to post seperately in each category, or in each seperate mod is helpful. As is, I already have to post seperately in each page for some articles when they appear across multiple pages, so posting seperately in categories or mods isn't beyond reason.

Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/15 20:04

  • bbgds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2004/7/23


rowdie wrote:
I had another look at your site and I don't actually think you need multiple news modules. Just make a topic for each section of your site and use the display layout 'By Topic'. I think this feature wasn't in the version of news that you have. Then I'd look at using multimenu, put direct url links to each of your topics in there and use that instead of the main menu.

You may still need to play with the news templates a bit to get it to look like your old site, but it shouldn't be too difficult to do.


Is multimenu a module, or a feature in News 1.21?

The hurdle I would have if I went this direction, is being able to make a recent news block for each topic.

Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/16 4:56

  • hervet

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Multimenu is a separate (very good) module.
You will be able to find it here with the search.
By the way, from the same author you will find the edito module, another good module.


Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/19 16:50

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

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bbgds wrote:
The reason why I think we need to clone is because we still want to be able to display recent news (like the recent news block) for each category seperately on our Front Page.

You can implement this using Topics Block module. I still use News 1.1 and that is what I use to implement that kind of display. You can check out http://pinoy.md to see it in action.

Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/20 6:45

  • bbgds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2004/7/23

Nice looking site :)

Admittedly, I never used, or even looked into the topics block. So it creates a seperate block for each topic, showing the 5 latest articles, like those 6 blue blocks you had toward the lower/middle of your front page? I suppose that, with multimenu could work, and save me a lot of coding time. Thanks for the advice. I'll try that first (although I'mstill waiting on approval.)

Re:Are multiple news modules possible?
  • 2004/10/21 15:10

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23

Yup, 4 of those blocks use Topics Block. I group 2-3 similar News Categories together. Topics Block allows you to use 1 or more categories per block. I customized the block templates a bit to show which categories are grouped together but that should be easy with HTML.

I never tried Multimenu, but I hear that it is good. It is easy to create a new block following the HTML format of the Main Menu or User Menu and just put that block under them. It won't be dynamic, but it works.


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