Gripes and Questions
  • 2004/10/7 23:26

  • Elixir

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  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2004/9/28

I just spent a great deal of time looking over all the available modules in the repository.

It is so sad to see so many modules with no description what so ever.

There are also modules which are not even in english but no mention of this until one wastes time downloading it.

Then there are a bunch of versions of the same modules but no comments as to what is new or what version of XOOPS it works with.

I am interested to know if there is a website or websites which provide professional modules developed for XOOPS because it does not look like I can develop a professional website with the current available modules in the repository.

Also, I am surprised that after all this time that XOOPS has been around there is not even one module for datin/personals/mathcmaking modules.

Re: Gripes and Questions
  • 2004/10/8 14:13

  • ChadK

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  • Since: 2004/7/9 1

I don't really like the download repository the way it is now either... it seems slow and there seem to be too many categories which allows for some pretty vague classifications.

Something else I've come to realize lately. There is a nice core for XOOPS but the modules are really hit and miss. It seems that not many modules are "Production/Stable" and they seem to live in alpha/beta forever with multiple bugs. There are only a few modules that I can download and place on a new XOOPS install that will work without modifications required on my part.

Re: Gripes and Questions
  • 2004/10/8 14:17

  • ajuden

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 87

  • Since: 2003/4/17

There is actually a dating module called FriendFinder 3.1.

Re: Gripes and Questions


ChadK wrote:
Something else I've come to realize lately. There is a nice core for XOOPS but the modules are really hit and miss. It seems that not many modules are "Production/Stable" and they seem to live in alpha/beta forever with multiple bugs. There are only a few modules that I can download and place on a new XOOPS install that will work without modifications required on my part.

I think you have hit on a very important point. The question we should then ask is why? What causes a module to atrophy in the beta stage? Is it developer boredom (or frustration)?
Personally, I think too many modules, once released end up trying to be everything to everyone. The axiom applies: a program will add features until it can read email.
It is also important to remember that the quality of modules is determined by the entire community, not just the select few that write code. To get better modules, we need members of the community to work together: to write code, to test, submit helpful bug reports, write documentation, make graphics, provide language translations etc.


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